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Q: What is the tough water replellent epidermal layer?
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Tough water repellent epidermal layer contains dead squamous shaped cells?

stratum corneum

The tough water-repellent protein found in the epidermal cells is called?

It is called Keratinocyte, which is in the outermost layer of the epidermis.

How do plants prevent themselves from drying out?

The cuticle, a waxy layer of the plant, prevents water loss.

What is the second epidermal layer of the sole of your foot?

The second epidermal layer of the sole of the foot is called the stratum spinosum. It is composed of several layers of keratinocytes, which are cells that produce keratin, a tough protein that provides strength and protection to the skin. The stratum spinosum is involved in the barrier function of the skin and helps to prevent water loss.

How are epidermis cells important to a leaf?

Epidermal cells are important to the leaf because depending on the climate that the plant resides within, the plant may create more than one epidermal layer. The purpose of this/these layer is to retain water, and some plants have a cuticle formed on the outside of the epidermis to prevent the loss of water too. In order to bring in CO2 from the air, leaves contain stoma which are essentially small pores in the lower epidermal layer that can open or close based on the plants needs. Guard cells on each side of stoma regulate gas exchange, as well as the loss of water.

What is the protective substance that restricts water loss from a leaf?

There is a waxy layer called the cuticle that reduces evaporation from the leaf. It is produced by the epidermal cells of the leaf.

What is the purpose of a plant's epidermis?

A plant's epidermis is primarily used for protective purposes, which it does by acting as a barrier to invaders (such as fungi). Another important function is in the prevention of water loss (for this reason, epidermal cells are packed tightly together). This water loss is further prevented by the waxy cuticle layer many plants have, located above the epidermal cells.

Which is a tough and flexible layer that surrounds plant cells as well as some algal and bacterial cells?

The cell wall is a tough, yet flexible layer surrounding certain types of cells. It functions as a structural support and protection to prevent water from entering.

What accounts for the bulk of the epidermal thickness?

The water insoluble protein accounts for the bulk of the epidermal thickness thickness.

Thick layer that surrounds all plant cells?

The thick sticky layer that coats the plant's epidermal cells is known as the CUTICLE. This substance helps to keep the water level of the plant at equilibrium .

Is leaf made of cells?

A typical leaf has an outer (epidermal) layer, pores (stomato) surrounded by a pair of guard cells, middle tissue (mesophyll) where photosynthesis occurs and a vascular system that carries water and nutrients.

In which layer of the epidermal cells is the waterproofed protein?

I'm not sure what your question is asking - if you mean what waterproofs cells in general, it's the phospholipid bilayer. In cells, the phospholipid bilayer has a hydrophobic (water hating) tail, pointed inwards, and a hydrophillic head (water loving) head on the outside.