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Q: What is the transfer of energy from place to place by the movement of heated gas or liquid?
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Radiation require a heated liquid to transfer energy?

Radiation does not require a heated liquid to transfer energy.

What is the transfer of energy by motion of heated gas or liquid?

this energy is conduction or thermal energy

What is the transfer of energy by the motion of heated particles in a gas or liquid?

This transfer of heat is called convection.

Does radiation require a heated liquid to transfer energy?

No. radiant energy (including heat) can pass though a vacuum.

What is the transfer of heat by the movement of heated matter?

Convection because some examples of this is through liquid and/or gas.

What is convection conduction?

Conduction is the movement of electricity and/or heat through something. Convection is the transfer of heat through movement in an already heated gas or liquid.

What are the uses of convection?

It means the transfer of thermal energy by the circulation movement of a liquid or gas.

What are the differences between conduction and convection?

Conduction is the transfer of energy by contact while convection is the transfer when liquid particles move in a cyclic manner when it is heated.

What are the names and definitions of the three types of energy transfer?

convection: the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of the heated parts of a liquid or gas. conduction:the transfer of heat between two parts of a stationary system, caused by a temperature difference between the parts. radiation: the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorbed by another body

What requires a layer of gas or liquid to transfer heat energy from object A to object B?

Convection otherwise known as movement .

What does Heat transfer by convection requires to transfer heat?

A liquid - - - which changes density when heated, and A gravity field.

What happens when a liquid is heated-?

The kinetic energy content increases and the speed of its particles increases.