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Q: What is the transfer of heat that occurs when particles move between objects or areas of different temperature?
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What is the relationship between energy transfer and temperature change?

Energy transfer and temperature change are directly related. When energy is transferred to a substance, such as through heating, the temperature of the substance increases. The amount of temperature change depends on the amount of energy transferred and the specific heat capacity of the substance.

What causes the energy transfer in a cup of hot cocoa when cold milk is added?

The energy transfer is due to collision of the particles and or molecules. Cold milk has particles with less average kinetic energy. Hot cocoa has particles with a higher average kinetic energy. When mixed the particles collide and some transfer of KE takes place until they have a new average KE which is between that of the 2 separate substances. This means that the new temperature will be 'warm' or between the 2 original temperatures.

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rate of reaction because higher temperatures provide more kinetic energy to the reactant particles, increasing the frequency of collisions and the likelihood of successful collisions.

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Wind Chill is the measure of the perceived apparent temperature, whereas temperature itself is the measure of kinetic energy of the moving particles of matter.

What is the transfer of heat by collisions between particles in matter called?

The transfer of heat by collisions between particles in matter is called conduction. This process occurs when heat energy is transferred from one molecule to adjacent molecules through direct contact.

The transfer of heat by collisions between particles in matter means what?


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