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Q: What is the transfer of thermal energy between materials because of collisions between particles?
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How is heat transferred between two materials in conduction?

The particles vibrate and cause the particles next to it to vibrate and so on until the vibrations transfer to the next material. This works better in solids because the particles are more tightly packed.

Does heat flow because of expansion or collision between particles in matter?

many many collisions at the atomic/molecular level

What does lowering the temperature do to the rate of a reaction?

Decrease because particles will move slower causing less collisions.

Why do waves travel faster through solid and slowest through a gas?

Because gas is less denser, and the chances that collisions between particles (collisions are wawes) will occur are much smaller than in solids.

Why solids pick up heat fast as compared to air?

Heat transfer takes place due to collision in atoms (of which everything around us is mad). In solids these atoms are near to each other but in gas atoms are very very far from each other. So in case of solids, it is easier to transfer the heat in form of collisions but in air it is difficult to transfer these collisions. Note: Heat is transferred in form of collisions because heat increases speed of atoms. This speed when transferred to adjacent atoms by collisions, transfers the heat.

Why does increasing the concentration of a reactants increase the reaction rate?

Because it increases the probability of collisions

Why does a metal spoon take in more heat?

Because collisions between electrons and other particles in metal enable thermal energy to be transferred more quickly.

Why does a solute dissolve faster in hot water?

Solute dissolves faster and better in hot water, or any hot liquid, because of the increased motion of particles. The increased motion of particles causes increases in collisions and the formation of new bonds.

Why do particles of matter transfer thermal?

They transfer energy because as they gain heat which gives the particles more energy to move freely, the particles will inevitably collision into each other, so as this collision occurs the thermal energy is transfered to the newly hit particle, this would explain why heat is transfered quicker in solids, because the area between each particle is less than liquids and gases because it's particles are closely packed.

Why is heating another way of making acid and magnesium react faster?

Because if you add heat to any reaction, the particles will gain more energy and move quicker. faster particles means more successful collisions :) hope this helped!

Why do particles from a cooled hot drink slow down?

That simply means that the lid will reduce the heat transfer.

Why is there no such thing as sucking?

Because the "sucking" is actually pushing. For example. When there is an area of low pressure, air appears to get sucked into it, but actually it is being pushed by the air behind it. This is because air particles are in motion, and therefore posses energy. Some have more and some have less energy, but there is always a net. Most of this energy is kinetic energy, and the amount of particles dictate how many collisions there are between particles, and in the collisions particles move until they hit another particle. So, if there are less particles in the low pressure area to collide with, particles end up staying there longer than in the higher pressure area until equilibrium is reached. So, in effect the air particles are pushing other air particles to an area where they aren't being pushed.