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Q: What is the transport of oxygen dependent upon in your diet?
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What gas is Euglena dependent on?

it is not dependent upon any certain gas, but it needs oxygen... i think ... ?

What is the concentration of oxygen inhaled during oxygen therapy dependent upon?

The concentration of oxygen inhaled depends upon the prescribed flow rate and the ventilatory minute volume (MV).

What process is not dependent upon the presence of calcium in body fluids?

Glycolysis is a cellular process that does not depend on the presence of calcium in body fluids. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate, which occurs in the cytoplasm of cells and is essential for generating energy in the form of ATP.

Is oxygen a thin material?

Oxygen is a gas, not a material. It is a component of the Earth's atmosphere and is essential for supporting life. Oxygen molecules are composed of two oxygen atoms bonded together.

Oxygen consumption is dependent upon?

Oxygen consumption is dependent upon metabolism rate, physical activity level, and environmental factors like altitude and temperature. It varies based on individual fitness, body size, and health status.

Electricity is dependent upon what?

The magnitude of the electric potential is dependent upon the particle's charge and the electric field strength.

What is electric potential dependent upon?

The magnitude of the electric potential is dependent upon the particle's charge and the electric field strength.

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The carrying capacity of a given environment is least dependent upon abiotic factors like temperature and precipitation, as these are often relatively stable. It is more influenced by biotic factors such as competition for resources, predation, disease, and the availability of food. These factors can fluctuate and have a direct impact on the ability of the environment to support a population.

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The economy of the South was dependent upon slave labor.

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It is an adjective which means mutually dependent- dependent upon one another.

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