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The Heimlich maneuver can be used safely on both adults and children, but most experts do not recommend it for infants less than 1 year old. You can also perform the maneuver on yourself.

  • For a conscious person who is sitting or standing, position yourself behind the person and reach your arms around his or her waist.
  • Place your fist, thumb side in, just above the person's navel and grab the fist tightly with your other hand.
  • Pull your fist abruptly upward and inward to increase airway pressure behind the obstructing object and force it from the windpipe.
  • If the person is conscious and lying on his or her back, straddle the person facing the head. Push your grasped fist upward and inward in a maneuver similar to the one above.

You may need to repeat the procedure several times before the object is dislodged. If repeated attempts do not free the airway, an emergency cut in the windpipe (tracheostomy or cricothyrotomy) may be necessary.

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Q: What is the treatment for choking in adults?
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Related questions

What is the precaution for choking for adults?

The precaution for choking for adults is the same as it is for children. To prevent choking thoroughly chew food.

How can you compare first aid choking in infants to first aid choking on children and adults?

chocking on infants and children and adults aren't much different but with infants they will cough and might be sick and stop breathing

What is the treatment for choking?

If choking is due to allergic reaction or infection, people should summon emergency help or go immediately to an emergency room.

Who is choking most common with?

Anyone can choke, but choking is more common in children than in adults. Choking is a common cause of accidental death in young children who are apt to put toys or coins in their mouths, then unintentionally inhale them.

What type of people does liver cancer affect babies kids or adults?

Primary liver cancer can occur in both adults and children. However, treatment for children is different than treatment for adults.

How can you stop someone from choking during the treatment of asthma?

Avoid contact with the soft pallet when administering aerosols. If choking persists, consider a non-aerosol method of treating asthma for this subject.

Why does treatment of adolescents with trauma differ from adults?

Teens are more vulnerable than adults when it comes to trauma. Adults are better equipped to cope with it because adults brains are already fully developed and have better coping skills than adolescents.

What is the difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child?

There is not a difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child; 5 back blows and 5 upward abdominal thrusts. Back blows and thrusts would be less force for a child and you may have to adjust your height by going down on 1 or 2 knees.

What is the prognosis for choking?

people are treated successfully for choking with no permanent effects. However, if treatment is unsuccessful, the person dies from lack of oxygen. In cases where the airway is restored after the critical period passes, there may be permanent brain damage

What effect does choking have on your lungs?

Choking affects the lungs by choking

Are rubber bracelets dangerous for children?

Rubber bracelets are too small to be a strangulation hazard and too big to be a hazard for choking. Rubber bracelets are safe for children and adults.

What is the main reason for choking?

Any object that ends up in the airway will become stuck as the airway narrows. Many large objects get stuck just inside the trachea at the vocal cords. For adults, one of the main reasons for choking is chewed that isn't chewed properly (esp. swallowed whole)