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Treatment for chronic PID:
1. Antibiotics
If you are diagnosed with PID, your sexual partner(s) also must be treated even if they do not have any symptoms. Otherwise, the infection will likely recur when you have sex again.
2. Surgery.
Surgery is often needed to remove the abscesses (or the organ with the abscess) to prevent them from rupturing and causing widespread infection throughout the pelvis and abdomen. If abscesses have formed on the uterus or ovaries, your doctor may recommend hysterectomy

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PID can't be cured; the bacteria that caused PID can be cured.

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Chronic salpingitis is the inflammation of fallopian tubes, and it may spread locally in your pelvic cavity and cause PID. Always abnormal bleeding, bleeding between menses are symptoms of PID.

What if you have pelvic inflammatory disease?

Only Females can get this and one way to prevent it is not to have sexual intercorse too often.

Does pelvic inflammatory disease re-occur?

PID can recur, or can become chronic.

Can PID recur?

Yes, some women can experience chronic and recurring PID. Be sure to keep all your follow up appointments with your health care provider. You should be seen three days after starting the medication to ensure that the signs and symptoms are improving (including getting a repeat pelvic exam, and at the end of your two week treatment regimen.

Can you have chlamydia and PID at the same time?

Yes. You can have any number of pathogens at the same time. You should be treated for each before they destroy you. No reason exists why you should go untreated and have them turn your brain into scrambled eggs.

Dose pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms leave when treated?

Most women with PID will have symptoms resolve with treatment. A few women will have long-term symptoms, including chronic pain. Be sure to attend all follow-up exams to make sure that treatment is effective.

Can PID cause stomach bloating?

Yes, PID can cause bloating, as can the antibiotics used to treat it. It is important to stay in close contact with your health care provider during treatment for PID. Call the office today to talk about your symptoms.

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How long does it take azithromycin to clear all symptoms of chlamydia in females?

Acute symptoms of chlamydia in females will go away within a couple of weeks of completing treatment. If chlamydia cause caused scarring and damage via PID, symptoms may be chronic and lifelong.

When given Uraxil for PID treatment what are the adverse side effects to xpect?

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How long do it take for pid discharge to clear?

It will take, on average, about 2 weeks for the discharge to clear after treatment.