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Many people have been able to eliminate bones spurs with a certain calcium magnesium supplement. Visit the related links.

Sorry but the only cure for a bone spur is to have it removed. There are no drugs or supplements that can remove bone spurs. Bone spurs are an overgrowth of bone. Any thing you take that would remove a bone spur would damage bone period.

There are however treatments that can lessen the symptoms of bone spurs. Such as ice packs, rest, anti-inflammatories both natural and drugs, orthotics and cortisone injections.

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Orthopedicians will treat this condition

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Go and consult a physician.

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Q: What is the treatment for getting rid of bone spurs?
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What is a good way to get rid of bone spurs?

Many people have found relief from bone spurs in their neck by supplementing their diet with a special calcium formula with other minerals. It is important to understand what causes a bone spur to develop in the first place.There are many hard to believe theories on the cause of bone spurs. After many years of hearing what works for different people, our conclusion on the matter is this:Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body but may also be the most deficient. The amount of calcium that we absorb from our food varies widely. Our age is one factor. An adolescent may absorb up to 75% of the calcium obtained from foods, while in adults the maximum absorption rate ranges from 20% to 30%.Even though our bones feel solid and seem permanent they're just like any other body tissue - they're constantly being broken down and formed again. In an adult, 20 percent of bone calcium is withdrawn from bones and replaced each year. Thus, every five years the bones are renewed.Calcium is found in the extra cellular fluids and soft tissues of the body where it is vital to normal cell functioning. Much of the calcium in soft tissues is concentrated in muscle, although it is contained in the membrane and cytoplasm of every cell.When the body is deficient of calcium it begins to leach calcium from the bones. In many people this happens to be in the heel of the foot or some other weak area of the body. As the calcium is being leached, it forms an eruption (similar to a volcano). This eruption is the bone spur.Many people that have suffered from bone spurs found relief when they properly supplemented their diet daily with "good" calcium. They found that providing their body with "good" calcium along with other vital minerals stopped the "leaching process" (calcium deficiency) thus allowing the bone spur to shrink down and eventually disappear. With the bone spur gone, the surrounding damage from the spur is able to heal also.Important: The calcium+ must be carefully formulated to be easily digested to accomplish the "good" calcium environment in building healthy body/bone cells.

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acne. it gets rid of dark spots, immflamation, redness, and scars

What is the worse color of light for photosynthesis?

Green. That's why plans try getting rid of it.

How do you remove fish-bone stuck in the throat?

Eat small pieces of bread. Don't chew it a lot. The bone should get stuck in the bread and it will be easy to swallow.

Why do some T cells remain in the body even after successfully getting rid of an intruder?

bc they are GAY

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What is a good way to get rid of bone spurs?

Many people have found relief from bone spurs in their neck by supplementing their diet with a special calcium formula with other minerals. It is important to understand what causes a bone spur to develop in the first place.There are many hard to believe theories on the cause of bone spurs. After many years of hearing what works for different people, our conclusion on the matter is this:Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body but may also be the most deficient. The amount of calcium that we absorb from our food varies widely. Our age is one factor. An adolescent may absorb up to 75% of the calcium obtained from foods, while in adults the maximum absorption rate ranges from 20% to 30%.Even though our bones feel solid and seem permanent they're just like any other body tissue - they're constantly being broken down and formed again. In an adult, 20 percent of bone calcium is withdrawn from bones and replaced each year. Thus, every five years the bones are renewed.Calcium is found in the extra cellular fluids and soft tissues of the body where it is vital to normal cell functioning. Much of the calcium in soft tissues is concentrated in muscle, although it is contained in the membrane and cytoplasm of every cell.When the body is deficient of calcium it begins to leach calcium from the bones. In many people this happens to be in the heel of the foot or some other weak area of the body. As the calcium is being leached, it forms an eruption (similar to a volcano). This eruption is the bone spur.Many people that have suffered from bone spurs found relief when they properly supplemented their diet daily with "good" calcium. They found that providing their body with "good" calcium along with other vital minerals stopped the "leaching process" (calcium deficiency) thus allowing the bone spur to shrink down and eventually disappear. With the bone spur gone, the surrounding damage from the spur is able to heal also.Important: The calcium+ must be carefully formulated to be easily digested to accomplish the "good" calcium environment in building healthy body/bone cells.

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