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I have it too so let me know when you get yours figured out because they need a black cure.

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Q: What is the treatment for idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis?
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There are many skin condition causes white spots like vitiligo, Albinism, Nevus depigmentosus, Pityriasis Alba, White scars and hypopigmentation and Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

What is hypo-pigmentation in skin?

Pigmentation term use for the process of skin which is responsible for the coloration of skin and continuously produce pigment.Hypo-pigmentation: It is also termed as depigmentation. It is a pigmentation disorder in which white spots appear on skin. Hypo-pigmentation in skin occurs when in a certain part of skin pigmented substance "Melanin" quantity decreases from a certain level.Vitiligo, Nevus depigmentosus , Pityriasis Alba and Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis are the example of Hypo-pigmentation

What could white spots on your face be is these are of vitiligo?

There are many skin conditions which causes white spots. Most common in which is the skin condition Vitiligo. And other are Albinism, Nevus de pigmentosus, Pityriasis Alba, White scars and hypo pigmentation and Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. Color of our skin is called skin pigment, and the process of coloration of skin is called pigmentation. When a loss of pigmentation occurs in certain part of skin, a white spots appear in that part.

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The treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis includes medications like steroid and antibiotics, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and lung transplant.

What is the treatment for idiopathic scoliosis?

Idiopathic scoliosis, which occurs most often in adolescent girls, is usually managed with a brace that wraps the abdomen and chest, allowing the spine to develop straight.

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Idiopathic- ic is the suffix

What is the treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura?

There is no specific treatment for ITP. In most cases, the disorder will resolve without medications or surgery within two to six weeks. Nosebleeds can be treated with ice packs when necessary.

What is the opposite word for idiopathic?

The opposite word for Idiopathic would be a specific diagnosis! Idiopathic in itself means unknown cause

What is the medical term meaning illness without known cause?

Idiopathic means without known cause.The medical term meaning 'without a known cause' is Idiopathic.IdiopathicIdiopathicIdiopathic

What is the emergency treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura?

Patients with acute ITP who are losing large amounts of blood or bleeding into their central nervous system require emergency treatment. This includes transfusions of platelets, intravenous immunoglobulins, or prednisone.

What is involved in the treatment of gynecomastia?

There are two types of Gynecomastia: physiologic and idiopathic. The first type doesn't require any treatment or intervention, as the symptoms disappear after few weeks. The second usually requires medical attention, or even surgery.

What does it mean when you have white spots on your arms?

Normally the white spot are caused by the skin condition vitiligo. vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder. No know permanent cause of the vitiligo yet discovered there for the treatment of the vitiligo is not an simple affair. Normally white patches of vitiligo appear on the skin parts which are exposed to sun.