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across a period, the atomic size decreases as the effective nuclear charge increases.

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Q: What is the trend in atomic size across the period from sodium to argon?
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Why does the change for the atomic radii of the elements for period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

Why does the change for the atomic radii of elements in period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

What is the smallest atomic radius in period 5?

Argon is the atom that has the smallest radius in Period 3. As you go cross Period 3 from left to right, the atomic radii of the elements decrease. The elements in Period 3 from left to right begin with sodium and ends with argon.

Why does argon have the smallest atomic radius in period 3?

Argon doesnt have the smallest atomic radius, its chlorine.Argon has the largest atomic radius in period 3.

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Why is argon the last element in its period?

The reason Argon is the last element in its period is that it has the highest atomic number in its period, and that's the way all periods are arranged.

From elements 1-18 what element has the laregest atom?

Of the elements with atomic numbers 1-18 (Hydrogen to Argon), the element with the largest atom is any of the ones in period 3 (Sodium to Argon) (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar). However, Argon has the most electrons in that region, so it has the highest atomic number.

Which element is in the same period as sodium?

Sodium is in 3rd period and seven other elements are in same period they are Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine and Argon.

What is the numberof elementsin period 3 of the periodic table?

There are eight of them, namely sodium to argon.

Is Sodium a period 3 element that is highly reactive?

yes and so is silicon and argon

What is the formula for argon and sodium?

Argon is ar and sodium is na.

What atomic structures do sodium and argon share?

Both are at the 3rd energy level and both contains the 3s1 orbitals.