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Nothing its a stupid superstition

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Q: What is the truth about throwing salt over your left shoulder?
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What is the origin of throwing salt over your shoulder?

The superstition of throwing salt over your (left) shoulder came about because people once believed the Devil stood behind your left shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake or to influence you into making a mistake. Spilling salt, which was once used as part of a Roman soldier's salary and hence as money was believed to not only be wasteful, but bad luck. Throwing some of the spilled salt over your left shoulder would be throwing it into the Devil's eyes, thus blinding him to your mistake.

What is the origin of salt over shoulder superstition?

It is believed the "devil" stands over the left shoulder of a person. As salt was once considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, spilling it is thought of as wasteful and a means to tempt the "devil" into taking it from you. Throwing salt over your left shoulder is supposed to "blind the devil" into not seeing the opportunity to reduce your material wealth.

Which shoulder do you throw the salt over?

It is believed the "devil" stands over the left shoulder of a person. As salt was once considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, spilling it is thought of as wasteful and a means to tempt the "devil" into taking it from you. Throwing salt over your left shoulder is supposed to "blind the devil" into not seeing the opportunity to reduce your material wealth.

Why do some people throw spilt salt over their shoulders?

The superstition of throwing spilt salt over the shoulder is believed to ward off bad luck. It is thought to have originated from the idea that salt was a precious commodity and wasting it could anger evil spirits that might be nearby. By throwing salt over the left shoulder, one is believed to blind the evil spirits waiting there.

What shoulder do you look over when changing lanes?

Left You look over your left shoulder if you are changing into the left lane. Right shoulder for right lane.

Why is it bad luck 2 spill salt?

Salt was once used as part of the salary of Roman soldiers. To spill salt is to spill (loose) money, which most of us see as bad luck. The antidote to spilling salt, is to throw a bit of it over your left shoulder. The devil is said to sit behind your left shoulder waiting to see you do something that will allow him to harm you. By throwing the salt over your left shoulder you will be throwing it into the devil's eye and he can't see that you should have bad luck.

Which shoulder do you throw salt over?

Throwing salt over your left shoulder is a common superstition believed to help ward off evil spirits or bad luck. This practice is often associated with spilling salt, as salt was historically considered a valuable and protective substance.

Salt over the shoulder why is it lucky?

The superstition of throwing salt over the shoulder dates back to ancient times when salt was believed to ward off evil spirits. By throwing salt behind you, it is thought to blind the spirits and keep them from causing harm. This belief has been passed down through generations as a way to protect oneself from bad luck.

Salt over the shoulder?

This superstition originates from the belief that spilling salt brings bad luck. Throwing salt over the left shoulder is thought to ward off this bad luck or to blind any evil spirits that may be lurking behind you. It is a common superstition in many cultures and is believed to protect against negative energy.

What do you do when you spill salt?

You either clean it up or you superstitiously throw it over your left shoulder. maybe whilst yelling out a chant, though the throwing is for the most part sufficient.

What shoulder do you throw salt over after you spill it?

over your right shoulder with your left hand

Why do some people throw salt over there shoulder?

Throwing salt over the shoulder is a superstition believed to ward off evil spirits or bad luck. It is thought that spilling salt brings bad luck, so throwing it over the shoulder is a way to counteract this belief.