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Q: What is the type of nutrition for archaebacteria. Autotrophic or heterotrophic?
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What is the cell type of eubacteria and archaebacteria heterotrophic or autotrophic or both?

The majority of archaebacteria are autotrophs. However a small percentage of archaebacteria is heterotrophic.

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The subgroups of monera are heterotrophic and autotrophic. Heterotrophic are basically the types of bacteria, meanwhile autotrophic is a type of blue-green algae.

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Algae are autotrophic organisms, meaning they can produce their own food through photosynthesis. They use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make their own energy source, usually in the form of carbohydrates.

What is autotrophic nuutrition?

The kind of nutrition in which an organism prepares its own food and does not depend on other organisms. Such type of nutrition is found in green plants having Chlorophyll, To manufacture their own food in the presence of sunlight. Just contrating to this are Heterotrophs (Heterotrophic nutrition), which depend on green plants or other organisms for food. Autotrophic nutrition provides food for the whole of the living world.

Is staphylococcus aureus heterotrophic or autotrophic?

Since Salmonella is a type of bacteria, and bacteria are heterotrophs, salmonella is probably also a heterotroph.

What is the Best definition for autotrophic?

This may not be the best but it is a good definition: Autotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which organisms synthesize the organic materials they require from inorganic sources. also An autotroph is an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy.

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: The two main methods of nutrition are autotrophic and heterotrophic. These are further divided into different types as follows:Autotrophic nutritionIn this type, the organisms synthesize their own food. It is of two types:1) Photoautotrophic - The source of energy is sunlight.2) Chemoautotrophic - The source of energy are the chemicals.Heterotrophic nutritionIn this type, the organisms are directly or indirectly dependant on the autotrophs. It is of the following types:1) Holozoic - The organisms ingest food and then digest, absorb and assimilate it.2) Saprotrophic - The orgainsms feed on dead plants and animals digesting them before feeding.3) Symbiotic - The association between dissimilar individuals. May be4) Mutualistic - where both the partners benefit.5) Parasitic - where one partner benefits and the other is harmed.6) Commensalism - where one partner benefits and the other is not affected

What characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is?

there are five criteria for classification of organisms into kingdoms. they are, 1.cell type (Prokaryote/eukaryote) 2.cell wall (cellulosic/noncellulosic/present/notpresent) 3.nuclear membrane(present/absent) 4.body organisation(cellular/multicellular/tissue/organ/organ system) 5.mode of nutrition(autotrophic/heterotrophic)

What type of archaebacteria produce methane gas?

Does Archaebacteria have methane gas?

What type of archaebacteria is found in swamps?

Methanogenic Archaebacteria is found in swamps.

What type of heterotroph is frog?

A frog is an omnivore

What type cell is archaebacteria?
