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Q: What is the type of vitamen the sun gives you?
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What vitamen do you get from the sun?

vitamen D is the answer

What type of energy gives the sun its energy?

gravity x

The sun gives off what type of energy?

Elastic Energy

What vitamins can you get from the sun?

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin (as it has often been called). Human skin can make this vitamin with the help of sunlight.

Can you overdose on a vitamin?

Yes. for an example, vitamen D. u get it from the sun. you get sun burned and will burn cells you need. if u take too many vitamens, your body cant take the dose that your taking and WILL backfire.

What the sun gives?

the sun gives us heat,light

What gives energy to the sun?

The sun gives energy to producers for their food, water for de' water cycle, and energy (Vitamin D) fir our skin. It also gives energy to animals, but if you want to know what type of energy it really depends on the animal.

How much sun should you get in one day?

yes people need sunlight because it is vitamen D. Vitamen D is also good for you.

Is cheddar cheese a good source of Vitamen A?

Yes it is.

What is the scientific name for vitamen c?

ascorbic acid

What are the nutrients in a navel orange?

primarily vitamen c

Does the sun give out natural highlights on light brown hair during the summer?

Yes, the sun can naturally lighten light brown hair during the summer due to its UV radiation breaking down the hair's pigment molecules. This process can create highlights or give the hair a sun-kissed appearance. It is important to protect hair from sun damage by using products with UV protection.