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Q: What is the ultimate source of energy for almost all organisms except those living deep in the ocean near a thermal vent?
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What is the ultimate source of energy for almost all organisms except those living deep in the ocean near thermal vent?


The ultimate source of energy for all organisms except those living deep in the ocean near a thermal vent is the?


What is the ultimate source of energy for almost all organism except those living deep in the ocean near a thermal vent?

The sun.

What is the ultimate source of energy for ecosystems?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all earth ecosystems.

Is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.?

The sun.

What type of energy is stored in the bodies of organisms?

Thermal energy is stored inside any living organisms because of their body heat

The ultimate original source of all energy used by organisms is what?

The Sun!!!!!!!!

Which form of energy is almost always produced during energy transformations?


Ultimate source of almost all the energy on earth?

the sun

The ultimate source of energy for almost every ecosystem is the?


How is geothermal energy transformed to another energy?

Geothermal can be transformed to thermal energy. Almost everything is transformed to thermal energy because of that we have lots of heat energy in the sky that are being unused.\

Almost every energy transformation gives off what?

my guess is thermal energy ( heat )