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Q: Which form of energy is almost always produced during energy transformations?
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What type of energy is always lost during energy transformations?

Kinetic or potential energy are always present during energy transfers.

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Tornadoes are almost always a accompanied by rain shortly before or after they strike if not during. Though in some cases they can be produced by LP (low precipitation) supercells which have little to no rain.

How many eggs are produced by frogs during a single reproductive cycle?

Almost a thousand eggs!

What happens when carbon dioxide gas in a reaction?

Do you mean what happens when CO2 is produced? It's always produced during combustion reactions.

How is chemistry related to walking?

You think probable to biochemical transformations during effort.

Why is chemiluminescence called a cold light?

Because almost no heat is produced during this reaction. That is why it is often called "cold light".

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Total Activity almost always decreases during protein purification.

What plant do beets come from?

They are originally beets, and have no transformations during their growth except getting bigger.

What explains the sequence of energy transformations during photosynthesis?

Light energy is transformed into chemcial energy

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There is always snow on the ground and temperatures are almost always below freezing but during the Southern "summer" the sun never sets - for months at a time!

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What sugar produced during photosynthesis?

The sugar produced during photosynthesis is glucose.