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The upper bound is the size minus 1 since VB starts with zero not one.

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Q: What is the upper bound of an array whose size is 100?
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What is the size of an array whose upper bound is 100?


What is the size of an array whose upper is 100?


What is the sie of an array whos upper bound is 100?

To calculate the size of array the type of array should be given. Ex: if it is of integer type that means int arr[100] and integer is of 4 bytes, then the size of array will be 400 bytes.

What is the binding time of array size in Python?

it's late bound

Why upperbound of array in c plus plus overflow during runtime?

An array is simply a contiguous block of memory that is divided into one or more elements of equal size. The array name is itself a reference to the start address of the array, which has the same address as the first element in the array (the element with index 0). The index is essentially an offset from the start of the array, multiplied by the size of an element. However, there is no built-in mechanism in C to prevent you from accessing elements beyond the upper bound of the array at runtime -- essentially overflowing the array. Since C++ inherits from C, the same problem exists in C++. For instance, in a 10 element array, the upper bound is 9. If you attempt to write to element 10, you are overflowing the array, the buffer, because that memory does not belong to the array. You then introduce undefined behaviour. At best, nothing bad will happen. At worst, people could die. Once you introduce undefined behaviour there's simply no telling what could happen -- it's a time-bomb waiting to go off. The only way to avoid such problems is to ensure all your array offsets remain within the bounds of the array. That is, the onus is upon the C++ programmer -- just as it still is with the C programmer.

Sample program of single-dimentional array?

#include "stdio.h" #define SIZE 100; void main() { int array[SIZE], i, size; printf("\nEnter the Size off Array :- "); scanf("%d", &size); printf("\nEnter the Elements of Array :- ")' for(i = 0; i < size; i++) scanf("%d", &array[i]; printf("\nThe Elements of entered Array :- "); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) printf("%7d", array[i]); }

Is there a way to use a variable to declare the size of an array in true basic?

! variable to declase the size of an array in True Basic ! set up a dummy value for array - any initial value > 0 is fine. DIM array$(999) ! ask the user for the length of the array INPUT PROMPT "Enter array size " :size ! resize the array with user defined length MAT REDIM array$(size) ! program end END

What is a implementation on n numbers of term in bubble sorting?

void bubblesort (int* array, int size) { if (!array size<2) return; int last_swap = size; while (last_swap>0) { int n=last_swap; for (int i=1; i<last_swap; ++i) { if (array[i]<array[i-1]) { array[i]^=array[i-1]^=array[i]^=array[i-1]; n=i; } last_swap = n; } }

What are the disadvantage of array implementation of stack?

Some immediate disadvantages:You'll have dead space in the array (entries which aren't currently used for items) taking up memoryYou'll have to keep track of the free entries - after a few insertions and deletions, these free entries could be anywhere.Using an array will impose an upper limit on the size of the linked list.

What is meant by irregular dimensional array?

An irregular dimensional array is a special type of multi-dimensional array.First we must understand that a multi-dimensional array is just an array of arrays. Each element in the array is, itself, an array of elements.A regular multi-dimensional array will be an array of size n, with each element containing a separate array of size m. That is, each sub-array has the same size.An irregular multi-dimensional array will be a multi-dimensional array in which each sub-array does not contain the same number of elements.Regular array:array[0] = new array{0, 1, 2}array[1] = new array{3, 4, 5}array[2] = new array{6, 7, 8}array[3] = new array{9, 10, 11}This regular array is an array of size 4 in which each sub-array is of size 3.Irregular array:array[0] = new array{0, 1, 2}array[1] = new array{3, 4}array[2] = new array{5, 6, 7}array[3] = new array{8, 9, 10, 11}This irregular array is an array of size 4 in which the size of each sub-array is not the same.

What is sparce array?

sparse array is one which has contents lower than its maximum size, that is the array has free or empty locations....

Why fixed size array is not efficient?

It's not exactly true. Array with fixes size are efficient, but do not work well when you have to resize your array. This actually is the answer for your question. Fixed size arrays are not efficient if you have to change the size. Also you cannot destroy them and release memory used to save the array (for that you have to use operator new).