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Q: What is the upper thoracic vertebral superior endplate?
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What is the upper limit of the human thoracic cavity?

Superior thoracic aperture

What does a vertebral segment consist of?

The vertebrae are segmented in descending order.Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral , are the major segments.Neck, thorax ,upper back ,lower back.

The vertebral column is what to the scapula?

It is inserted into the medial border of the scapula, between the superior angle and the triangular smooth surface at the apex of the spine. THE MUSCLES CONNECTING THE UPPER LIMB WITH THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN.

Why is it important to have equal numbers of thoracic vertebrae and ribs?

You don't have to have the same number Sometimes a lower rib doesn't develop on one or both sides. Sometimes a lower thoracic vertebral bone and an upper lumber vertebral bone just below it look so much alike you can't tell which kind is which -a Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Radiologist

Where does the thoracic cavity start and end?

Your thoracic cavity starts from the upper margin of the thoracic vertebra to upper margin of the manubrium of the sternum. There is your diaphragm on the lower side.

What is the medical term meaning upper chest region?

Upper thoracic region

What are the five regions of the vertebral column?

7 Cervical Vertebrae12 Thoracic Vertebrae5 Lumbar Vertebrae5 Sacral Vertebrae3-5 Coccyx Vertebrae (although these are usually fused together)

Is a thoracic sprain a upper extremity injury?


What is the name for the upper back region?

Posterior thoracic.

What is the function of thoracic vertebrae?

The thoracic vertebrae have several functions, but the two primary functions are as follows: 1) protect the spinal cord 2) serve as attachment points for the rib cage (which protects the vital organs)

What is the scientific name for the upper back region?

Posterior thoracic.

What is the body of the thoracic?

The thoracic region is basically the chest and upper back. In the neck it begins at T-1 of the vertebra. The thoracic area extends to the last rib, front and back.