

What is the use of a snake tongue?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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Snakes use their tongue to smell. tongue collect smell particles from air and tongue places the collected particles in a receptor at back of the mouth to analize the smell.

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15y ago

Tongues are used for tasting things! haha

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Q: What is the use of a snake tongue?
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How does a snake use their tongue to survive?

A snake's tongue is a 'sensory organ'. Each side of the tongue is monitored separately by the brain - enabling the snake to determine which way to go in search of food.

Which part of the body does a snake use to smell?

The olfactory receptors at the back of the nasal chamber.

Does snake bite with his teeth and or tongue?

While a snake's forked tongue looks dangerous, it really is not. Snakes actually smell with their tongues. If snakes bite, they use their teeth

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snakes use their teeth to catch their pray then suffocate them with the tongue

What does a snake use to smell?

A snake uses its forked tongue to collect scents and then flicks them into the Jacobson's organ on the roof of the mouth.

Is a red tongue brown snake poisonous?

No. There is not a set tongue color for poisonousand harmless snakes. A garter snake has both red and black on its tongue

How does a snake survive by using their tongue?

Actually, the tongue is very important for a snake. While a snake's eyesight and hearing are only average, its sense of smell is very intense, thanks in large part to its tongue. A snake's tongue may look strange, but it helps the snake to experience various aromas in its environment: for example, it flicks its tongue as a way to smell the air and detect if there is prey in the area or if there is some kind of threat.

How does a tongue help a snake?

The tongue is used to help the snake find food and to respond to its environment. It can sense a source of heat with the tongue telling it if there is an animal near or danger. Some snakes have a gland behind the tongue that allows them to spit venom. The cobra is one snake that can do this.

Does a rattlesnake use its tongue in getting food?

A rattlesnake, like all snakes, uses its tongue to find food. The tongue of a snake is used in conjunction with the Jacobson's organ on the roof of the mouth to smell.

Which animal smells with its tongue?


What do snake have that earthworms don't have?

A tongue

How does the snake tongue help them to survive?

The tongue is used to help the snake find food and to respond to its environment. It can sense a source of heat with the tongue telling it if there is an animal near or danger. Some snakes have a gland behind the tongue that allows them to spit venom. The cobra is one snake that can do this.