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Acetone is used occasionally in dry cleaning for such problems as removing Chewing Gum and the like.

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Q: What is the use of acetone in dry cleaning?
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What is dry cleaning?

dry cleaning is a process of cleaning clothes without the use of water

How many people use dry cleaning in the us?

About 70% of Americans use dry cleaning services regularly, with the industry generating over $10 billion in revenue annually.

Does acetone damage granite?

Granite is able to withstand the use of acetone. If you have a water based stain on your granite you can dampen the spot and apply acetone. Let it dry and then rinse and wipe off the granite.

What to use during blazer dry clean?

Perchloroethane is used in dry cleaning.

How do you re rock cocaine with acetone?

pour a cup of acetone on it mix it and press it with your hand and let dry it will b hard as a rock use the cup the bottle comes with do

What spray can take out paint?

Wait for it to dry then scrape it... not that hard... or you could take the risk of messing up your surface and use paint thinner... which is a form of acetone... or you could use plain old acetone...

Is acetone a metal or non metal?

No, Acetone is commonly used in metal cleaning prior to welding and painting.

What is the function acetone?

Acetone has various functions. It can be used as a powerful solvent for cleaning beakers, desks etc. It can have dry ice added to it in order to cool a reaction down to approx -70 degrees centigrade. It can be used as a solvent in some synthesis or as a reagent its self.

How acetone prepared commercially and the equation of it?

acetone is prepared in laboratory by dry distillation of calcium acetate

Does non acetone polish remover work just as good?

This is a loaded question. While non-acetone nail polish remover will take off varnish just fine, it will generally take longer-meaning it will still dry nails out. My personal opinion is: use polish remover with acetone. It will dry out your nails the same amount as non-acetone remover but with faster results.

When did dry cleaning start in the US?

when did dry cleaning begin