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The MOV A,A instruction in the 8085 does nothing, not even change flags. It only consumes time, specifically four clock cycles plus applicable wait states.

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Q: What is the use of command MOV A A in 8085 microprocessor?
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How data transfer operation is done in 8085 micro processor?

Data transfer in the 8085 microprocessor can be done with the help of several instructions like the MOV,MVI,OUT and IN . Lets say, we want to move the contents of a register R1 to register R2, then we could use the instruction MOV R2,R1 ; and so on...

Can Mov used in 8085 for immediate data transfer?

No, not at all this instruction MOV can not be used for immediate data transfer. You will need to use command MVI Rd, 8 Bit Data for immediate data transfer.

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Addition and subtraction of two 16 bit numbers using 8085 microprocessor?

The 8085 is an 8-bit computer, with only limited capability to do 16 bit arithmetic. In order to add two 16-bit numbers, NUM1 and NUM2, together, and store the result at NUM3, you can use the code... LHLD NUM1 XCHG LHLD NUM2 DAD D SHLD NUM3 If you want to subtract NUM1 from NUM2, you need to take the two's complement first, by inverting it and adding one... LHLD NUM1 MOV A,H CMA MOV H,A MOV A,L CMA MOV L,A INX H ... and then continue with adding NUM2... XCHG LHLD NUM2 DAD D SHLD NUM3

What is meaning of 8085 microprocessor?

8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor designed by Intel.

Why you use LXI SP command for factorial in 8085 assembly language?

It's up to you: don't use it, if you don't want.

How do you find HEX code in 8086 microprocessor?

There are many instructions in the 8085. To find the hex code for a particular instruction, you need to look at the data sheet. For more information, please see the Related Link below.

When is the address in the instructional pointer updated?

This actually depends on the processor you are referencing; some processors update their IP (Instruction Pointer) before performing a command, and some perform it after the command. To find out if your processor is doing so before or after the command, use the instruction "mov ax,ip" in a debugger, and observe the value of ax. If ax contains the address of the mov instruction, it performs the update of IP after processing a command, while if it contains the address after the mov instruction, it performs the update before processing the command.

Give the program for finding smallest number in 8085 microprocessor?

.model small .stack 64 .data n1 db 08h,02h res db ? .code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov cx,02 lea si,n1 mov bl,0ffh mine:mov al,[si] cmp al,bl jne loop1 jmp loop2 loop1:jnc loop2 mov bl,al inc si loop mine jmp exit loop2:inc si loop mine exit:mov res,bl hlt end

What is the use of NOP instruction in 8085?

The NOP (No Operation) instruction takes time but does nothing to the data or the status of the microprocessor. When executed in a loop, it can take substantial time, from microseconds, to milliseconds, to seconds.

How many pins are present in 8085 and 8086 microprocessor?

There are 256 ports available in the 8085 microprocessor. The IN and OUT instructions have an 8-bit port number, and that is where the 256 comes from.In order to use ports, the hardware addressing system must decode IO/M-. Some implementations don't do this, so they map IO addresses to memory addresses. In that case, you could say there are 65536 possible IO addresses, but that is not the same as ports, because ports are specific to the IN and OUT instructions.The other "problem" with IN and OUT is that you cannot specify the address in a register, while you can do so with indirect memory addressing.

What is NOP Instruction stands in 8085 microprocessor?

The NOP instruction is a no-operation instruction. It does nothing to the state of the machine, except to use some time. In the case of the 8085, it uses four clock cycles plus however many wait states are need to access the NOP instruction from memory.