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A query by example is where you fill in data that in effect acts like a sample of what you want the query to retrieve. So if you have a set of data of employees and want to show ones that work in a particular department, you would type the name of the department into the query to correspond to the field that shows the department. So in the query, you would have chosen your fields, and in the criteria under the department field you might type something like "Sales", indicating that you want records that have "Sales" in the department field. What you type in acts as an example of the data you want to get. You could use lots of criteria in different ways and build more complex queries, but still using a query by example approach.

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2d ago

Query by Example (QBE) is a database query language where users can perform searches by providing an example of the data they are looking for. It simplifies the process of constructing queries for users by allowing them to specify criteria in the form of example data entries. This method is user-friendly and does not require knowledge of complex query syntax.

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When you want to extract data from two or more tables you use an query?

When you want to extract data from two or more tables, you can use a SQL JOIN query. By using JOIN clauses, you can combine rows from different tables based on a related column between them. This allows you to retrieve data from multiple tables in a single query.

What is the database term query?

In the context of databases, a query refers to a request for retrieving, updating, or manipulating data stored within a database. It is a way to communicate with the database to perform operations such as data retrieval, insertion, updating, and deletion based on specific criteria. Queries are typically written using query languages like SQL (Structured Query Language) to interact with databases.

When you are pulling or extracting information out of the database with a query - you can use to set conditions that must be met for a record to be displayed?

To set conditions when querying a database, you can use the WHERE clause in your SQL query. This clause filters the results based on specified conditions. You can combine multiple conditions using logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT to further refine your query results.

What do you use to find a particular record or group of records in a database?

To find a particular record or group of records in a database, you can use a query language like SQL. By writing a query with specific conditions, such as matching values in certain fields, you can retrieve the desired information from the database.

When might you want to use a web query to capture data?

You might want to use a web query to capture data when you need to extract information from a website that is regularly updated, such as stock prices, weather updates, or news headlines. Web queries can automate the process of retrieving this data, saving time and ensuring that you have the most recent information at your fingertips.

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What is a nested query?

It is a query inside another query. Sometimes we might use one query to reduce down the amount of data to go through and then use another query based on the output of that query to get what you want. The first query is inside or nested in the first query.

A query language is an example of?

Any thing that has to do with database is a query lanquage. As in query the data to retrieve whatever you are looking for.

What query do you use to extract data from two tables?

You would use a JOIN query for this.

Use query in a sentence?

He was very query in the middle of the crowd.

Who would use a query?

Just about anyone who will use access will need to use a query (interrogated the data) at some point

What is query explain with the help of an example?

Literally "query" is just another word for "question". So right up there is an example. In SQL, a query would be something like SELECT NAME FROM EMP WHERE DEPARTMENT = 'MARKETING';

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Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;

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Select query is a DRL. DRL stands for Data retrieval language. Example select * from table_name;

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What does QBE stand for?

QBE stands for Query by Example.

When you want to extract data from two or more tables you use an query?

When you want to extract data from two or more tables, you can use a SQL JOIN query. By using JOIN clauses, you can combine rows from different tables based on a related column between them. This allows you to retrieve data from multiple tables in a single query.