

What is the use of xylem?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Xylem is WOOD (including lumber, and wood products)

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Q: What is the use of xylem?
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How do you use xylem in a sentence?

Here is how you use xylem in a sentence, "A plant would hardly survive without the xylem tissue. " This is a transportation tissue which is common in vascular plants.

What do plants use xylem vessels for?

Xylem is used to transport water and nutrients from the roots up to the rest of the plant.

What kind of plant uses xylem and phloem for their transportation system?

All plants use xylem and phloem vessels.

What do xylem in a plant use?

they maybe use glucose or energy source

What is a woody tissue of a plant?


What is xylem use for?

Xylem is the layer of wood in a tree next to the heartwood (dead center of a tree) and it carries water down and up the tree.

What is the common name for secondary xylem?

primary xylem is primary in nature & is derived from procambium. But secondary xylem is secondary in nature and derived from fascicular cambium and interfascicular cambium. Primary xylem is differentiated into protoxylem and metaxylem, but secondary xylem has no such differentiation. In primary xylem vessels and tracheids are long and narrow, and vessels don't have tyloses, but in secondary xylem, vessels are blocked by tyloses, and vessels and tracheids are wider and shorter. Xylem fibres are more abundant in secondary xylem , and found in small numbers in primary xylem. Also unlike in primary xylem, secondary xylem has differentiated into sapwood & heartwood.

How do plants drink food coloring?

they use this thin called xylem

Long tubes that transport water from the roots to the leaves?

it's called "xylem" your welcome

How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue?

In Angiosperms , it is xylem vessels ( proto and meta xylem together ) , Xylem sclerenchyma and xylem parenchyma ; together form Xylem tissue ( That is why xylem is called a compound tissue ). In Gymnosperms , xylem vessels are replaced by Xylem tracheids . All other tings are almost the same .

Xylem have what?

Vascular plants have xylem

Write four elements of xylem?

Tracheids Vessels Xylem parenchyma Xylem fibres