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Average males usually become potentially fertile (produce sperm) at age 13, however aren't fully fertile until age 14-16.

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Q: What is the usual age to create sperm?
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Related questions

How do you stop making sperm?

You don't, A mans organs create sperm continuously. It only stops when you reach a certain age. It is called endropause. The ages vary per person.

Can boys create a sperm at age 8?

A soon as puberty begins a boy can normally produce sperm. It is highly unusual, but not impossible, for a boy to experience the onset of puberty at age 8. as above it could happen but the odds are very low

Do you have sperm during puberty?

yes, you create sperm during puberty.

Can females with penis's create sperm?


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Does a sperm whale really contain sperm?

Most biotic creature carry sperm. if it can mate and create offspring it carries sperm

Does a man and woman need to create sperm to get a woman pregnant or is it just a man that needs to?

The man needs to create sperm and the women needs to create an egg. When intercourse happens, the egg and sperm meet, and implants in the uterus, resulting in pregnancy.

What age is sperm more potent at?

Sperm cells become potent around the age of seventeen and eighteen.

Why girls have no penises?

the only purpose of a penus is to create sperm for child birth. women have other parts used to create babies from the sperm

When do boys sperm?

When they masturbate or have sex. Gay sex is easier for buys to create sperm.

What does a human sperm have?

The ability to create a baby.