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No US quarters were minted before 1796. The first U.S. Mint opened its doors in 1792, so there are no U.S. coins dated earlier than that.

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Q: What is the value of a 1702 American quarter dollar?
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Where did William of orange come from?

William of Orange, who was King of England from 1658 to 1702, was Durch. He was born in what was then the Dutch Republic, now The Netherlands.

What were The colonial wars between 1689-1763?

King William's War (1689-1697) - The balance of power between England and France is maintained. Queen Anne's War (1702-1713) - Nova Scotia becomes British possession. King George's War (1744-1748) - Louisbourg returns to French control, British settlers begin westward movement, and Iroquois neutrality challenged. French & Indian War (1754-1763) - All territory east of Mississippi is transferred from French to British control, Florida goes from Spain to Britain, and British debt mounts.

What was life like for the colonists before the Proclamation of 1763 and what about after?

III.The Jamestown Settlementa.1606, English business men made plans to start a new colony in Virginiab. after receiving a charter, a certificate of permission from the King, they formed a joint-stock company, or a company funded and run by a group of investors who share in the company's profits and lossesc. early 1607, the Virginia Company sent about 100 colonists to Virginia to start their colonyd. the colony nearly fails because of laziness and bad locationda. many of the more noble colonists were unwilling to perform manual laborbb. the colony is built on a swamp filled with disease carrying mosquitoese. 1608, John Smith, a former soldier is selected to lead the colonyf. for the first 10 years, the colony is on the brink of starvation, it survives only because of Native American helpg. 1624, the colony is shut down and taken over by King Jamesga. he establishes a royal colonygb. Virginia was given a royal governor, and a legislature, or lawmaking assembly called the House of BurgessesIV.Native Americans Reacta.shortly after arrival of English, about 200 Native Americans attacked Jamestown settlementaa. driven away by cannon fireab. English traveled to neighboring Native American villages to make peaceb. the colony had troubled relations with some of the Native Americansc. 1622-1644 were at war with a group of Indians led by Opechancanoughca. 1622, killed about 300 colonistcb. he was eventually killed in 1644 in the streets of JamestownV.Growing Tobaccoa.tobacco kept Jamestown from failingb. once tobacco reaches Europe, it soon becomes popularc. to cash in on the tobacco market, settlers carve out plantations on the banks of the James, York,Rappahannock, and Potomac riversca. the rivers allowed the settlers to easily transport they're cottond. to persuade settlers to come to Virginia, they were granted 50 acres of land apieceda. this became known as the headright system.e. around this time period, English landowners found it profitable to use they're land for raising livestock instead of renting it to farmersea. the 'masterless' farmers were in search of food and workeb. one of England's masterless few options was to go to Americaec. many lacked the money for the voyageed. to pay for the transportation, they became indentured servants, or people who work for a master for a period of time, and after they're work is done they would receive a piece of land from their masterVI.Bacon's Rebelliona. over time as new indentured servants became free, they pushed westward for new land, taking it from the Native Americansb.1676, a planter named Nathaniel Bacon raised an army to fight the Native Americansba. Virginia's governor William Berkeley in turn raised an army and declared Bacon a rebelbc. complaining that Berkeley failed to protect western settlers, Bacon attacked and defeated Berkeley and then burned Jamestown to the groundbd. Bacon's Rebellion was cut short however after Bacon died of an illnessII.Plymouth Colonya. while the French built the Fur trade, the English established the New England Colonies along the Atlantic seaboardb. 1534, Henry VIII withdrew England from the Catholic Churchc. religious conflict occurred in England during the 1500s between the followers of the Church of England and the Puritans, who favored a 'purer' church free of ritualca. Some complained that the Anglican Church retained too many Catholic practicescb. the Puritans were Persecuted, or attacked because of their beliefscc. wanted to separate from Anglican Church - became known as Separatistsd. 1620, about 100 Pilgrims set sail for New England on board the Mayflowerda. signed the Mayflower Compact where they agreed to follow all of their government'sdb. laws self-government was now an established tradition in Americae. after the first year of great hardship, an Indian named Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to plant cornea. after the corn harvest, they first celebrated Thanksgivingf. one of the men who drew up Mayflower Compact was William Bradford who was elected governor of colony 30 times from 1621-1656fa. Wrote History of Plymouth PlantationIII.The Massachusetts Bay Colonya. colonist flood into the newly established Massachusetts Bay colony, this is called the Great Migrationb. the colony was run by Puritans who showed no religious tolerance, by law every citizen of Massachusetts had to attend the Puritan church and pay taxes to itc. the policy of intolerance led to the Salem Witch Trails where the Massachusetts authorities ordered 20 people to death by hangingd.Connecticut was established by Puritan minister Thomas Hookerda. 1639, the fundamental orders of Connecticut were establishede. New Hampshire and Maine developed much like Connecticut, they were populated by Puritans from England and Massachusettse.Rhode Island was unique among the New England colonies in the fact that it was established with religious tolerance in mindfa. the colony was established by Roger Williams in 1636II.Anne Hutchinsona. 1634, moved to Boston to escape religious persecution in Englandb. 1636, was charged with heresy and banished from Massachusetts Colonyc. asserted her view of the "Covenant of Grace" - that moral conduct and piety should not be the primary qualifications for "visible sanctification."d. her preachings were unjustly labeled "antinomianism" by the Puritans - a heresy - since the Christian leaders of that day held to a strong "Covenant of Works" teaching which dictated the need for outward signs of God's gracef.put on trial Nov. 1637g. permanently banished from colony - went to Narragansett Bay in what is now Rhode Islandga, 1642, after death of her husband, moved to Long Islandgb. 1643, she and her family killed by IndiansIV.War with the Indiansa. Pequot war- fought in 1637 between Massachusetts and the Pequot peopleaa.the colonists burned a Pequot fort killing 500 Ameri-Indains to end the conflictb. King Philip's War- Metacon, leader of the Algonquin, came to power in the 1660sba. in the 1670s he led Indian groups from Rhode Island to Maine in an effort to drive out the 45,000 whites in New Englandbb. his warriors destroyed 17 English towns and killed 2000 settlersbc. after a bloody war, in which 4000 Indians were killed, the English captured Metacom in 1676bd. he tried to escape and was shot in the heartI.The Dutch in New Yorka. unlike the Puritan New England colonies, the settlers of the Middle Colonies were very diverse in their backgroundsa.after the formation of the Dutch West India Company, a colony was set up in 1621 on Manhattan Islandba. colonies director was Peter Minuit, who traded for the colony's landbb. company also built Fort Orange on the present day site of Albanybc. colony was based on the fur trade.c. North America's first synagogue, or house of Jewish worship, was in New Amsterdamd. New Amsterdam soon had Peter Stuyvesant as a governorda. he was aggressive and increased the size of the Dutch colonies, but he was often at odds with the Dutch settlerse. 1664, the Duke of York laid claim to the Dutch colonyea. he send a fleet of 4 ships and 400 soldiers to take the colonyeb. without an army, New Amsterdam surrenderedec. it was soon renamed New York.II.The Other Middle Coloniesa.New Jersey was also in the Duke of York's charteraa. he signed over the land that is now New Jersey to two English noblemenab. 1702, both nobleman's possessions were combined into what is now New Jerseyb.Delaware was established in 1638 by Swedish settlersba. they built Fort Christina on the modern day site of Wilmingtonbc. New Sweden was captured by the Dutch, and later was turned over to the Englishbd. 1682, the colony was turned over to William Pennc.Pennsylvania was established by William Penn in 1681 after he received a huge land grant from King Charles IIca. he considered his colony a religious experiment, he wanted his colonists to practice religious toleranced.many of Pennsylvania's settlers were Quakers like Penne.they came from many different nationalities including the German Lutherans, Scotch-Irish, and the SwissIII.The Southern Coloniesa.Maryland was founded by George Calvert as a haven for English Catholics where they would not be persecutedb.Calvert died before he could see his colony become a reality, but a charter was given to his son, Lord Baltimorec. Soon, the Catholics of Maryland were out numbered by Puritans, so Baltimore issued the Maryland Toleration act, this act protected anyone who believed in Jesus Christd. Maryland soon became a plantation colony much like Virginia, with African Slaves and Tobacco growthd.the Carolinas were established by a group of Englishmen in 1663da. the area was split into North and South in 1691e.Georgia was established in 1732 as a colony for England's debtorsea. the colony was governed by trustees, whose leader was James Oglethorpeeb. Georgia was used as a barrier for the Carolinas from Spanish Florida.Tobacco in Virginiatobacco saved colony from failing completelyonce tobacco reached Europe, it became popularsent to England by John Rolfe in 1613large plantations developed near waterwaysto cash in on the tobacco market, settlers carved out plantations on the banks of the James, York, Rappahannock, and Potomac riversthe rivers allowed for easy transportation1616, Virginia exported 2,500 pounds of tobacco1618, 50,000 pounds1640, Virginia and Maryland together, 3 million poundsplanters needed large amounts of laborto persuade settlers to come to Virginia, they were granted 50 acres of land apiecethis became known as the headright systemmany people could not pay to come to Virginiaagreed to work as indentured servantsindentured servants experienced low social statusbetween 100,000 and 150,000 came as servants to Virginia and Maryland during 1600salmost half of indentured servants died before gaining their freedomamong Virginia's indentured servants were a group of Africans who arrived on a Dutch ship in 1619Bacon's Rebellionas population increased, settlers pushed farther westthis led to more conflict with Native Americans1676, Nathaniel Bacon raised an army to fight Native AmericansVirginia's governor William Berkeley declared Bacon a rebelGov. Berkley gathered an army to stop himBacon's army attacked and burned Jamestownwhen Bacon died suddenly, the rebellion endedshowed frontier settlers were frustrated with a government concerned only with wealthy planters and that they were unwilling to tolerate itSouthern ColoniesMaryland, Virginia, Carolinas, and Georgiacoastal cities made their living from the seaexcept for Charleston, SC and Williamsburg, VA the South had few citiesfoundation for real wealth was landmajority of landowners were white malessometimes referred to as the gentrygentry devoted much of their time to displaying their statuslandowning men dominated politicseconomy based on agriculturegrowing staple cropstobacco, rice, indigofarms were largeslave labor used extensivelyby the middle of 1700s, 1/5 of people in British North America were of African descentslavery was legal everywhereSouthern Colonies - Low Countryplanters in the coastal plain of Georgia and South Carolinalow country near the coast ideal for growing rice and indigoindigo - type of plant used in making a blue dye for clothlarge amounts of labor neededSlaverybrutal conditionsmajority of the population slaveslarge plantationsSouth Carolina and Georgia had more plantations with 100 slaves or more than any other arealack of interaction allowed slaves in GA & SC to preserve some of their cultureGullah language - combination of English and Africanvalued family relationshipsslaves brought from Africa via the Middle PassageMiddle Passage - one leg of the triangular trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas - also refers to the forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americasoccasionally enslaved Africans mutiniedaveraged one every two yearsmany died because of crowded and unsanitary conditionshigh cost of importing slaves caused planters to encourage large familiesSlavery - Olaudah EquianoAfrican who wrote an account of the Middle PassageThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African (1789)a strongly abolitionist autobiographyaccording to his autobiography, written in 1789, he was born in what is now NigeriaEquiano captured and taken to Barbados1766, he was taken to Virginia where he bought his freedommoved to EnglandSlaveryVirginia and Marylandlives of slaves in VA & MD differed from those in GA & SC slaves in VA & MD were a minority of the population1650, only about 500 Africans lived in Virginia (3% of pop.)1700, enslaved Africans totaled 16,000 (28% of Pop.)few slaves came to VA & MD directly from Africagrowing tobacco not as labor intensive as rice or indigoslaves did other tasks besides just crop worksome male slaves in VA worked away from plantations as artisans or laborersgreater integrationslaves in VA & MD had more regular contact with European AmericansChapter 3 Section 2New England's EconomyNew England coloniesConnecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and MaineNew England had a diverse economydue to poor soil and a short growing season, New England was unsuitable for cash cropsthis prevented the development of large plantationsNew Eng. farmers practiced subsistence farmingthe main crop was cornFishing and Whalingfishing was a major industrynorth east of New Eng. is the Grand Banksan important fishing and whaling areaNew England had many good harbors and a large supply of timber for building shipswhale blubber was used for making candles and lamp oilwhale bones were used for buttons, combs, and supports in women's clothingLumbering and Shipbuildingdense forests covered much of North America's eastern coastline in the 1600swaterfalls were used to power sawmillsthe first sawmill in the colonies was probably built in NH in 1635barrel making was a big industrypeople who made barrels were called coopersalmost everything was shipped in barrelsship building was also a major industryships could be made quickly and cheaplyEnglish merchants bought colonial ships because they could be made for 30-50% less cost in the coloniesLife in New England's TownsNew England's social life centered on townsbelieved groups of Christians should come together to form church covenantsthe commitment to church covenants encouraged the development of townsinstead of granting land to individuals, the general courts in New Eng. granted land to groups of people who then became town proprietorsfree men in the towns elected leaders and chose deputies to the General Court of their colonytown meetings developed into town governmentsvoting was limited to men who had been granted land by the townmen chosen to manage the town's affairs were called selectmenelected annuallyPuritan houses were located near the churchchurch attendance was requiredPuritans felt a sense of responsibility for the moral welfare of their neighborsTrade and the Rise of CitiesTriangular Tradea series of indirect routes used to conduct trade between the colonies and England - the trade ultimately carried raw materials to England and manufactured goods to the coloniesgoods carried from England to the West Indiessugar carried back to New England (rum)rum and weapons to West Africa for slavesthe rise of trade in the colonies led to the rise of cities along the coastby 1760, Philadelphia was the largest city in the colonies with a population of 23,000merchants were at the top of colonial New England's urban societyartisans and their families made up almost half of the urban populationartisans were skilled workers and craftsmenat the bottom of colonial society were people without skills or propertythe rapid development of cities led to many problemsovercrowding, crime, pollution, and epidemicsto deal with problems, city governments specific departments and officesSociety in the Middle ColoniesMiddle coloniesNew York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delawareone of the most distinctive feature of the Middle Colonies was the ethnic and religious diversity in their populationspopulations of N.Y. & Pennsylvania ethnically diversethe first synagogue in North America was in New Yorkeconomy a mixture of farming and commercefarm crops included grains such as wheat, barley, potatoes, and ryewheat was the major cropa population boom in Europe during the early 1700s led to a increased demand for wheatbetween 1720 and 1770, wheat prices in the colonies more than doubledsome farmers became wealthyMiddle Colonies had three wide riversHudson, Delaware, and the Susquehannamade shipping of goods easierBritish government limited manufacturing in the coloniesmany manufactured goods had to be imported from EnglandChapter 3 Section 3Mercantilismcountry should get as much gold and silver as possible by exporting more than importingthe way to obtain gold & silver was through tradea nation should have colonies where it could buy raw materials and sell productscolonies could provide tobacco, furs, and gold to England to sell to other countries1660 Charles II passed the Navigation ActNavigation Actsrequired the colonies to sell certain goods only to England - sugar, tobacco, cottonanything colonist wanted to sell to other countries must go through England first where it was taxed (Staple Act, 1663)banned Dutch ships from colonial portsthe Wool Act of 1699, the Hat Act of 1732, and the Iron Act of 1750 were British attempts to limit American manufacturingDominion of New EnglandJames II took control of the New England colonies and created the Dominion of New Englandcolonists resented the actioncolonies resented the rule by the appointed governor, Gov. Edmund Androsheavy taxationParliament replaced James II with William and MaryThe Glorious Revolutionwhen New England citizens received word of the Glorious Revolution they rebelled and imprisoned Gov. AndrosWilliam & Mary dissolved the Dominion of New England and reestablished the colonies James II had abolishedBritish policy of salutary neglect allowed the colonies economic freedomChapter 3 Section 4Population Growthbirthrate high in 1700saverage colonial woman gave birth to seven childrenbetween 1640 and 1700 the population of the American colonies increased from 25,000 to more than 250,000Women in Colonial Societystatus of colonial women determined by the men in their livesunder English common law a woman was under her husband's controllaws prevented women from voting, holding office, or serving on a juryEnglish law allowed husbands to beat their wivesrule of thumbwomen managed tasks that kept a household operating such as cooking, gardening, washing, cleaning, weaving cloth, and sewingHealth and DiseaseCotton Mather, a Puritan minister, and Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, a Boston physician, helped develop a smallpox inoculationColonial Educationschool attendance was not required by lawmost children received little or no formal educationNew England colonies began to develop public education1647, Mass. passed a law requiring every town with at least 50 families to hire a schoolmaster - 1st public schoolsbelieved everyone should be able to read the Biblein Southern colonies, plantation owners often hired private instructorsHarvard was the first American college in 1636Harvard (1636)William & Mary (1693), Yale (1701)colonial colleges were primarily training grounds for ministers and lawyersgenerally, only the very wealthy attendedImmigrants in Colonial Americalarge numbers of German immigrants came to Pennsylvaniafirst were a group of Mennonites who founded Germantown in 1683by 1775, more than 100,000 Germans had arrived in Pennsylvaniabecame known as the Pennsylvania Dutcha corruption of the German word for German - Deutschemany Scotch-Irish immigrants settled the frontierhelped develop Appalachian cultureAfricans in Colonial Americaevery colony passed its own slave lawssettlers in Georgia were barred from owning slaves in 1735the ban was lifted in 1750Virginia passed its first major slave code in 1680SC in 1690, revised 1696, 1712, & 1740slaves could not go aboard ships or ferries or leave the town limits without a pass1739, several dozen slaves near Charleston killed more than twenty whites in the Stono Rebellionburned an armory and started toward Spanish Florida were a small colony of runaway slaves livedwere captured and killed by armed plantersReligion in the ColoniesBritish colonies were mostly Protestantsouthern planters and northern merchants and professionals tended to belong to the Church of EnglandNew Englanders were either Congregationalists or PresbyteriansQuakers, Lutherans, and Mennonites strong in PADutch Reformed Church strong in NYearly 1700s, many ministers, esp. Congregationalists, believed the colonists had fallen away from the faith of their Puritan ancestorsmany believed colonists lacked faith1730s and 1740s, they led a series of revivals designed to renew religious enthusiasm and commitmentthis revival of religious feelings known as the Great Awakeningmost historians date the beginning of the Great Awakening to the 1730s and the preachings of Jonathan Edwards, a minister in Northampton, MAleader of Great AwakeningGeorge Whitefieldtoured colonies seven times from 1738 to 1770 leading revivals ministers of the Great Awakening taught that faith and sincerity rather than wealth or education were the major requirements needed to understand the GospelN. Englanders began to shift to the Baptist faith in the 1740s and 1750sin the South, Baptists and Methodists drew new followersEvangelical Baptists attracted followers among the common people of the southern backcountrysome churches splitGreat Awakening had long term social and political effectspromoted religious tolerationrise of individualismindividuals could act on their own faith and not rely on authority which had revolutionary consequences

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