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It can't be an American silver dollar because the US didn't mint any silver dollars after 1935. No new $1 coins were issued until 1971. If the coin has a picture of an eagle on the back and the words HALF DOLLAR that's a strong clue that it's not a silver dollar.

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Q: What is the value of a 1936 silver dollar?
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The value of the 5 dollar 1936 silver certificate is not available because there was no certificate of this denomination issued in 1936. The certificate is most likely a fake.

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Look at the coin again, no US dollar coins were made in 1936, 1935 was the last year.

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A 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar has .36169oz of silver.

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From what country? The U.S. did not issue any dollar coins for circulation between 1936 and 1970 inclusive.

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No US silver dollars were struck in 1936. The last year was 1935, please look at the coin again an post a new question.

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No US dollar coins dated 1936 exist, 1935 was last year if issue. Look at the coin again and post new question.

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What is value of 1936 two dollar silver certificate?

Please check your bill again and post a new question. The last $2 silver certificates were printed in 1899 and no US bills were ever dated 1936.

What is the value of a worn 1936 silver dime minted in Philadelphia?

1936 is a common date, value is just for the silver, about $1.75

What is the value of a 1936 D US 5 dollar 1936 silver certifcate?

The US didn't print any bills dated 1936. Please check again and post a new, separate question.

What is the value of a 1936 US 10 dollar silver certificate?

Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't print any bills dated 1936.