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This coin is worth 5 cents unless it is close to or is uncirculated.

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Q: What is the value of a 1956 Jefferson nickel?
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Value of a 1956 nickel?

Unless it is uncirculated, it's just a nickel, 1956 Jefferson nickels are common and still found in circulation.

What is the value of a 1935 Jefferson nickel?

Priceless. The first Jefferson nickel was dated 1938.

What is the value of 1956 and 1958 Indian Head nickels?

Please check your coins again and post a new, separate question. The last Indian Head nickels were made in 1938. Any 1956 or 1958 nickel is a standard Jefferson nickel, and has no special value in average condition.

What is the value of a 1803 nickel?

It's a 2004 Jefferson nickel that has been gold plated, has no collectible value and is just a fancy nickel.

What is the value of a 1964 Jefferson nickel?

The value is 5 cents and it has no silver in it.

What is the value of a 1961d Jefferson nickel?

The coin is only face value

What is the value of a 1966 Jefferson nickel?

5 cents

1971 liberty nickel?

This Jefferson nickel is still found in circulation and is face value.

What is the value of a gold 1803 nickel?

It's a 2004 Jefferson nickel that has been gold plated, has no collectible value and is just a fancy nickel.

What is the value of 1955 nickel?

The 1955 Jefferson nickel is still found in circulation. A circulated coin is just face value.

What is the value of a 1987 D jefferson nickel?

5 cents.

What is the value of a nickel stamped on a penny?

A Buffalo Nickel stamped on a penny is worth $800.00. A Jefferson Nickel stamped on a ZN penny is worth $70.00. A Jefferson Nickel stamped on a CU penny is worth $60.00.