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If you are referring to the missing edge coins then the value is anywhere from 50-$2000 all according to mint state. if you want to learn more about these coins or purchase one a good place i have found is

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Q: What is the value of a George Washington error coin?
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What is the value of a one dollar presidential dollar coin?

Unless the coin has a minting error, it's just face value--one dollar. The most common minting error is missing edge inscriptions on the George Washington dollar.

What is the value of a 1739 George Washington coin?

Please check your coin again and post a new, separate question. George Washington was 7 years old in 1739.

1789 double headed George Washington?

A coin stamped with 1789 with a profile of George Washington is not worth any monetary value. This type of coin was stamped privately and is commemorative.

What is value roll of George Washington dollars?

The value of George Washington dollars as a collectible depends on factors such as rarity, condition, and demand. As of 2021, most George Washington dollars are not considered rare and are worth face value of $1. However, certain rare or error varieties could have a higher value among collectors. It is advisable to consult with a professional coin dealer or reference guide for a more accurate valuation.

What is the value of a 1789 1797 George Washington dollar coin?

One dollar.

What is the value of 1789-1797 George Washington two head coin?

It's a novelty coin with no collectible value. Just like the 2 headed Kennedy half dollars

How much is a 1 cents George Washington worth?

George Washington is on the 25-cent coin, not the 1-cent coin.

Is there a George A Custer Franklin Mint Coin?

No. However, there is a George Washington mint coin.

What is the value of a 1961 George Washington coin?

The 1961 Washington quarter is not rare, it's very common, most are only valued for the silver about $5.00.

When was the George Washington dollar coin minted?

The George Washington dollar coin was the first of the Presidential dollar series. It was minted in 2007.

George washington gold coin one dollar?

That's not really a question. If you're attempting to ask about the coin's value, it's worth one dollar.