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"Henning" nickels are one of the strangest counterfeit US Coins. In 1954 a New Jersey man named Francis L. Henning produced half a million counterfeit US nickels.

That in itself was bizarre because the cost of faking such a low-denomination coin would eat up most of the "profit" that could be made by passing them, and in addition spending that many nickels would be sure to attract attention.

But Henning made yet another mistake because many of his coins mated the reverse of a standard nickel with the obverse of a 1944 "war nickel". Genuine 1944 nickels are instantly recognizable because they're made of a silver alloy and have a large mint mark over the dome of Monticello, but Henning's had neither.

Despite the obvious fakery Henning somehow managed to put about 100,000 of his coins into circulation before being found out. The rest were dumped into rivers and streams, and only a small fraction were ever recovered.

Henning nickels have become famous fakes akin to the "racketeer nickels" that were made by plating 1883 5¢ pieces and passing them as $5 gold coins, and both are now collected in their own right despite being counterfeits.

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Q: What is the value of a Henning nickel?
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What is the value of a 1944 war nickel with no mint mark?

What you actually have is a counterfeit nickel, known as a Henning nickel. This isn't a war nickel, but instead was a counterfeit nickel created in the mid-1950s, there is a thriving collectors market for them. I've attached a link with more information about the Henning nickels.

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If your nickel has the color and feel of a more recent coin, it's possible you have what's called a "Henning nickel". These were counterfeits made by a man named Francis L. Henning in the early 1950s. Please see the related question for more information on these fascinating coins.

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Counterfeiting a 1944 nickel could be profitable for a counterfeiter if they can create a convincing fake, as the 1944 nickel is a rare and valuable coin. Some individuals may also do it for the challenge or thrill of creating a convincing counterfeit.

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the value of the nickel is 5 cent

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It's the usual practice of this site to answer a single question at a time. Please see:"What is the value of a 1940 US nickel?""What is the value of a 1942 US nickel?""What is the value of a 1944 US nickel?"

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The value of a 1947 nickel will vary. It depends on the overall condition of the nickel. However, they typically will be valued at anywhere from $4.30 to over $400.00.