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Q: What is the vascular membrane like?
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Difference between vascular and non vascular?

The difference between vascular and non-vascular is that vascular have a tube like structure and non vascular do no have a tube like structure

Is a plam non-vascular?

no palm is also vascular just the transparent membrane covering the black part of your eyes called cornea is the only non vascular part of whole body

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What is the highly vascular dark brown membrane of the eye?

The dark brown membrane of the eye is the choroid, it contains many blood vessels and supplies the eye with nutrients.

Thin innermost membrane attached to surface of the spinal cord?

The thin like membrane that covers the brain is "Dura Matter", and the thin like protection surrounding the spinal cord is a "mylein Sheath".

What is a sentence for the word non vascular?

The plant is non vascular. Non vascular means a plant has no v-tissue (vascular tissue) and has no roots or stems. Like moss.

Are herbs vascular or non vascular?

the mint plant is vascular becuase of its tube like tissues that suck up water and other stuff from the ground

How are blood vessels like vascular tissue?

because vascular tissue is a blood vessel

What is the highly vascular structure that acts as communication between the mother and the embryos?

The chorion is the outer membrane surrounding the embryo that is continuous with the placenta, the highly vascular structure that acts as a physical communication between the mother and the embryo.

What is the highly vascular structure that acts as communication between the mother and the embryo?

The chorion is the outer membrane surrounding the embryo that is continuous with the placenta, the highly vascular structure that acts as a physical communication between the mother and the embryo.

What are the two major groups into which plants are organized are?

Vascular and non-vascular. Vascular are typical plants like trees and flowers. Non-vascular includes mosses, hornworts, liverworts and algae

How are vascular and nonvascular the same?

they are the same in many was like they have vascular in their names they have "a's" and start with a v