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Q: What is the verb in this sentence the man on the bench always feed the pigeons in the park?
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Is it harmful to feed matzah to pigeons?


Are pigeons solitary?

No, they roost and feed colonially.

Why did ww3 end?

no money to feed the carrier pigeons

Why have your pigeons eaten there babies?

Your pigeons are likely not receiving enough protein in their diet. Look for a better brand of feed with more protein.

Why are there a lot of pigeons in Trafalgar Square?

Because they know that tourists will feed them.

What are the release dates for Police Woman - 1974 Don't Feed the Pigeons 2-12?

Police Woman - 1974 Don't Feed the Pigeons 2-12 was released on: USA: 2 December 1975

What do little pigeons eat?

Grown up pigeons or mature pigeons feed their youngsters for the first five days of their life a special milk that they produce in the gullet .After this period the parents will feed the babies with food that they are eating on a daily basis and also water.

How do you get rid of pigeons or how to stop its eating your dogs food?

The simplest solution is to feed your dog indoors. Pigeons are not getting into your house, I would expect (and if they are, close the windows).

How are pigeons managed?

Pigeon spikes keep pigeons off of buildings.Feeding pigeons may be banned in certain places.Pigeons are caught and either killed or used for human needs.Fake snakes and owls scare pigeons off.Introduction of predators like owls, hawks, and snakes.Special feed that prevents pigeons from laying fertile eggs.

Do falcons live near by water?

Rarely they will nest in cities on tall buildings, and feed on pigeons.

What happens if you feed pigeons cocaine?

You get charged with possession and cruelty. Personally, I hope you're convicted and rot.

What is a benting time?

A benting time is a season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.