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Q: What is the vitamin-A derivative that has demonstrated an ability to alter collagen synthesis and is used to treat acne and visible signs of aging?
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Vitamina b 10?

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In quali alimenti si trova la vitamina D?

Nel latte addizionato di vitamina D, nell'olio di fegato di merluzzo, nel salmone, nel maccarello, nelle sardine, nel tonno. Molti cibi, come per esempio il succo d'arancia, sono addizionati di vitamina D. Anche l'esposizione ai raggi solari rifornisce il corpo di vitamina D.

Que vitamina es buena para los caninos?

The English translation of the Spanish words "Que vitamina es buena para los caninos" is 'What vitamin is good for dogs' whose answer is Vitamin C.

What has the author Bastos Tigre written?

Bastos Tigre has written: 'Senhorita Vitamina' 'Entardecer'

What is the other name of VitaminA?

Retinyl palmitate is the most common form of dietary vitamin A.

Que alimentos contienen alto contenido de Vitamina K?

Coles de Bruselas, bróculi, espinaca, perejil, espárrago, lechuga, endibia, okra, verdes de mostaza y otros verdes tienen vitamina K.

Para que sirve la vitamina b12?

because it has many nutrients that help you be strong

My German shepard's tongue is looking dark is there a problem?

A dark tongue in a German Shepherd could be due to normal pigment variation or could be a sign of health issues such as dehydration, infection, or liver problems. It's best to monitor your dog for any other symptoms and consult with a vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Que tiene mas vitamina C el Chile jalapeño o la naranja?

el chile jalapeño

What vitamns are good to grow hair?

vitaminC and vitaminA, are the best vitamins carrot is the best eat 1 carrot every day.

Que hago para tener mi pene mas duro a la hora de tener sexo?

Toma vitamina E antes de follar.