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Q: What is the vitreous resinous adamantine silky?
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What is the luster of corundum?

The luster of the sapphire is vitreous or adamantine.

What are some terms used to describe non metallic luster in minerals?

Luster is categorized as metallic or non-metallic. Metallic luster is highly reflective, like chrome. Non-metallic is further divided by names such as dull, glassy, adamantine, waxy, silky, pearly, and greasy.

What is the silky shine of a ruby called?


What is diamonds luster?

transparent, adamantine to waxy.

Why do scientist use luster to test rocks?

Luster is one of the properties used in the preliminary identification of some minerals.Related Information:Luster, refers to the absorption, reflection, or refraction of light by the surface of a mineral. Minerals exhibit various degrees of luster, many of which are somewhat self-explanatory such as dull, earthy, adamantine, glassy, metallic, silky, greasy, pearly, and resinous.

What is adamantine?

Adamantine is a mineral, often referred to as adamantine spar. It is a silky brown form of corundum. It has a Mohs rating of 9. Adamantine is also used as an adjective to refer to non-metallic, brilliant light reflecting and transmitting properties, known as adamantine luster. Diamond is the best known material to be described as having adamantine luster, although anglesite, cerussite and corundum in some of its forms are also described in this way.Adamantine can also refer to any fictitious or mythological material that is extremely hard (often at least as hard as diamond) or has some other special properties.

What is another word for glitter?

The most common terms to describe lustre are: adamantine (diamond-like), dull (non-reflective), greasy (fat-like), metallic (shiny), pearly (pearl-like), resinous (resin-like), silky (fine fibres), vitreous (glass-like), and waxy (wax-like).

What does luster mean in a mineral?

Luster refers to the appearance of reflected light by a mineral crystal. Luster is categorized as metallic or non-metallic. Metallic luster is highly reflective, like chrome. Non-metallic is further divided by names such as dull, glassy, adamantine, waxy, silky, pearly, and greasy.

What are some examples of mineral luster?

Luster is categorized as metallic or non-metallic. Metallic luster is highly reflective, like chrome. Non-metallic is further divided by names such as dull, glassy, adamantine, waxy, silky, pearly, and greasy.

Adamantine in a sentence?

"Good luck spelling 'Adamantine,'" Mr. Carol said to his spelling bee finalists.

Is adamantine luster real diamond?

Diamond luster is described as adamantine to waxy. Adamantine luster is described as "...non-metallic, brilliant-light-reflecting and transmitting properties of minerals..." and is not limited to diamonds.

Gel-like substance that helps to reinforce the eyeball?

It is called the vitreous humor. The word humor here has nothing to do with comedy. The word can mean 'body fluid', from the Latin for body fluid, 'umor'.