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in order to find the wavelength, you measure the distance from one crest to the next.

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12y ago

measurement from the crest of the wave to the crest of the next wave

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10y ago

It is the distance between two successive crests of a wave.

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Q: What is the wave length of the water wave?
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How is water length and frequency of a wave related?

I don't know what's "water length" but I do know that the deeper the water are, the faster the wave goes. If you meant wave length and not water length, then the longer the wavelength, the smaller the frequency of the wave.

Waves begin to feel bottom when water depth is?

When the water depth is half the wavelength of the wave, waves begin to feel the bottom. This is known as the wave base. As the wave base interacts with the ocean floor, it causes the wave to change shape and eventually break.

Is a wave length longer or shorter in water than in air?

the wave length stays the same length, it'll just diffract fron the air to the water and vice versa.

Do wave length remain constant?

In a uniform medium, the wavelength of a wave remains constant as it propagates. However, when a wave enters a different medium, its wavelength may change depending on the speed of the wave in that medium.

How does an ocean wave change as it moves from deep water to shallow water?

Deep water waves are long in length but short in height. As the wave moves into shallower depths it becomes shorter in length and taller in height.

Explain the importance of how a wave length is created?

Wave length's are one of the most fundamental subjects in physics effecting sound, light and water for example. Learning how the wave length was created allows one to learn much about sound and light.

What happens to the wavelength of a sound wave when it travels through water rather than air?

The wavelength of a sound wave decreases when it travels through water rather than air, as sound travels faster in water due to its higher density compared to air. This increase in speed causes the wave to compress more frequently, resulting in a shorter wavelength.

What happens to a wave when you decrease the wave length?

When you decrease the wavelength of a wave, the frequency of the wave increases. This means that the wave completes more cycles within a given time period. As a result, the energy of the wave remains constant but is distributed into shorter wavelengths, causing the wave to appear more compressed.

What happenes to the wave when you decrease the wave length?

When you shorten the wave length, you increase the amplitude.

Explain what the amplitude of a water wave is?

The amplitude of a water wave is the maximum displacement of a water surface from its undisturbed position. It represents the height of the wave crest or the depth of the wave trough from the equilibrium level of the water.

What type of light has a longer wave length ultra violent or infrared?

Ultraviolet has the longer wave length Infrared has the lower wave length

How is a waves frequency related to a waves length?

Frequency and wavelength of a wave are inversely related: as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the wave equation: speed = frequency x wavelength. In other words, for a given wave speed, if frequency increases, wavelength must decrease to maintain the same speed.