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The asthenosphere

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Q: What is the weaker hotter zone beneath the lithosphere that allows for motion of earths rigid outer shell?
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What is the weaker hotter zone beneath the lithosphere that allows for motion of Earth's rigid outer shell?

the asthenosphere

Compare and contrast earths lithosphere and asthenosphere?

Earths outer most layer consits of the crust and uppermost mantle and forms a relatively cool, rigid shell called the lithosphere. This layer averges about 100 kil. in thickness. Beneath the lithosphere lies a soft, comparatively weak layer known as the asthenosphere. The lower lithosphere and upper asthenosphere are both part OS the uppr mantle.

What happens when you go further into the earths crust?

you get hotter and hotter

The lithosphere lies on top of what?

The lithosphere lies on top of the asthenosphere, the weaker, hotter, deeper part of the upper mantle.

Which is hotter the sun or the earths crust?

The Suns surface is about 6,000K much hotter than the Earths crust. The hottest lava can get at the surface is about 1,400K

Is the lithosphere stronger than the Aesthenosphere?

Yes. The asthenosphere is molten and plastic, the lithosphere is mostly not molten and is rigid.

Is earths mantle hotter or cooler than the crust?

The mantle is hotter than the crust.

The rocks in the asthenosphere are hotter and more pliable than the rocks in the lower lithosphere?


Which is hotter the sun or the Earth's core?

The sun is millions of degrees hotter than the earths core! (:

Is the sun or the earths core hotter?

The sun's core is hotter, it is about 30 billion degrees Celsius.

What layer lies beneath the lithosphere?

The asthenosphere.

What is lithosphere movement?

The lithosphere is the solid part of the Earth's surface, the crust and uppermost mantle, which is fragmented into plates which "float" over the hotter, more fluid asthenosphere.