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On Earth, 20kg is 196 newtons or 44.1 lbs.

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20kg has a force of 196.14 newtons.

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Q: What is the weight of body of mass 20kg on earth?
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What is the weight in newton of a 20 kg mass on earth and the moon?

The equation to determine the weight of a body on the earth or moon is a modification of Newton's second law, W = mg, where W is weight in Newtons, m is mass in kg, and g is acceleration due to gravity in m/s2.Acceleration due to gravity on the earth is 9.8m/s2. A 20kg mass on the earth would weigh W = 20kg x 9.8m/s2 = 196N.Acceleration due to gravity on the earth is 1.63m/s2. A 20kg mass on the moon would weigh W = 20kg x 1.63m/s2 = 32.6N.

Is 20kg lead in a vacuum heavier than 20kg feather in a vacuum?

No. Weight = mass x gravity, so for the same mass, you get the same weight.

How do mass and weight relate?

Mass is the amount of matter existing in your body and weight due to gravity, a body's weight is different on earth than to when on moon.

The weight that registers when you step on a scale is the response of your body mass to the pull of what?

The scale measures the amount of gravitational pull on your body from the earth, or what is known as weight.

If an object has a mass of 20kg on earth what is the mass of the object on moon?

The mass on the moon will remain the same, 20 kg If the object's mass is 20 kg, then it's 20 kg. On Earth, on the moon, on Mars, or floating weightless in a space ship coasting from one of them to another. Weight depends on where you are, but mass doesn't.

What will happen to mass and weight of a body on earth if suddenly gravitational attraction of the earth disappeared?

Your mass would be unaffected, it is simply to do with the atoms in your body. Your weight would be reduced to zero as that is simply how much your body is affected by gravity.

What is weight of a body of mass 1 kg on earth?


Why does the body's weight get smaller in space?

Weight depends on mass. More specifically, weight = mass x gravity. --- A body's weight is really just the force drawing it toward the earth. For our purposes, we can use Newton's law of gravitation which states that this force is given by Gm1me/r2, where G is the gravitation constant, m1 is the mass of the body, me is the mass of the earth and r is the distance between the body and the earth. G, m1 and me do not change as a body moves into space; however, that distance r becomes larger which makes the force smaller, and that force is the body's weight.

What force is acting on the weight?

Weight is , actually, the force experienced by a body on the earth's surface due to earth's gravity. It is expressed as the same way as force Force = mass*acceleration where as weight = mass*acceleration due to gravity Since mass of a body is constant and gravity is almost constant(9.8 m/s2 ) except at the poles where it is (10 m/s2 ) , a body has the same weight, wherever it is on earth.

What is gravity and mass?

Mass is the amount of matter a body has. Gravity is a pulling force that pulls the object towards the core of the body. The weight of a body depends on the mass; gravity causes weight. Weight is a downwards force towards the core of the body that produces a gravitational field (e.g. Earth). The relation between the mass, the weight and the gravitational field strength is: W = m.g - where W is the weight of the object, m is the mass of the object and g is the gravitational field strength of the body (it is roughly about 10N/kg on Earth)

Why would you way more on Jupiter even though your mass would stay the same?

Because your weight is proportional to the product of your mass and the mass ofwhatever large body you happen to be standing on at the moment. The number you'reused to seeing is your weight when the other body is the earth. If the other body is notthe earth but something different, then your weight is different.

Why would your weight change if you orbited earth in a space shuttle but mass would not?

mass is the actual amount of matter weight is just how much mass it appears to with your body