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An adult horse should eat between 1% and 3% of it's own body weight in feed daily/ As an example, a 1,000 pound horse would require 10 to 30 pounds of food a day.

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Q: What is the weight of how much an adult horse eats daily?
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A platypus eats about the equivalent of its own weight daily.

What is it call when a horse eats too much?

A horse that eats a lot

How much does an adult horse eat in a day?

The amount of food a horse eats will vary from horse to horse. A horse should be fed roughly 1.5% to 3% of their own bodyweight in food daily. As an example a 1000 pound horse will need to eat 15 to 30 pounds of food a day, this adds up to 5,475 to 10,950 pounds of food a year.

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a horse does (:

What eats a quarter horse?

A quarter horse eats what every other horse does, it eats hay, grain, sweet feed, grass, apples, sugar cubes, carrots, etc.


On average, a Tasmanian devil eats around 5 - 10% of its own weight daily. As an adult male weighs an average of 9 kg and a female weighs around 7 kg, this means a Tasmanian devil will eat anywhere from 700g to 900 g of food daily, according also to the availability of the food.

What eats less a horse or 2 ponys?

The horse, because a full-grown horse is an adult, and it consumes' more food than smaller horses'. Ponies' would eat 1/3 of what horses' eat, anyway. So... horses', for sure!

How does 'salvation jane' or 'Pattersons curse' kill a horse?

Well when a horse eats the purple flowerd weed the toxins in it accumulating the liver will lead to death. Signs a horse or pony might have liver damage includes weight loss.

What will a horse so if it eats a plant that is poisonous?

A horse that eats a poisonous plant may sicken, and he may die.

Why does a horse continue to lose weight even though it eats fine?

Because when the horse was younger it may have gottin pneumonia in its lungs and now weather it eats healthy or even more than it causes for it will never gain wait. my oppinion is to get rid of it get some money before it dies.