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There are many possibilities, but it is hard to say what those could be since you do not provide much information. However, it is possible that what you are refeering to is a canker sore. A canker sore ressembles a white crater and is sometimes surrounded by a red ring. Canker sores can appear on the inside of the lips and cheeks, on gums and on your tongue. They can be quite painful and can last up to a few weeks. There is no real treatment for them, however, different products can be bought to speed the healing up or to dull the pain. For such products, consult your pharmacist. Nonetheless, you should consult a doctor or a nurse to have a clear diagnostic.

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13y ago

If it's on your tongue and it's white and curdled looking and smells bad you could have thrush which is a yeast infection. You should check with your doctor or dentist.

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Q: What is the white stuff that i dig out of my rear of my mouth and it smells and my mouth hurts?
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