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The Milky Way is 100-120 light years across. This translates as 586,971,360,000,000 to 704,365,632,000,000 kilometres !

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Q: What is the width of the Milky Way in kilometers?
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Where is the milky way compared to earth?

Interestingly, it doesn't matter whether you prefer the answer in kilometers,in miles, or in inches. The exact figure is still zero. Earth is IN the Milky Way.

What is the width of the Milky Way in light years?

The Milky Way spiral galaxy is about 100,000 light years in diameter, and about 3,000 light years thick at its center, and about 1,000 light years thick near its outer edge.

How many light years will it take to get out of the milky way galaxy?

Light-years is a distance, not a time measurement. If you are asking how many light-years a person would have to travel to be outside of the Milky Way galaxy, the answer depends on the "direction" one wishes to use when exiting. The Milky Way, relatively speaking, is almost flat, with a thickness of only 9.26 quadrillion kilometers which is roughly 1000 light-years. While this sounds like a large distance, compare that to the width which is between 9,260 to 11,353 quadrillion kilometers or 100,000 to 120,000 light-years across. Therefore, if you went the thin way, it would be a maximum distance of 4.63 quadrillion kilometers or 500 light-years. If you went the thick way, the distance would be sufficiently larger.

What is the Milky Way in the sky?

There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

What is the largest body of the milky way galaxy?

VY Canis Majoris, a red hypergiant in Canis Major, is the largest known star in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is about 3 x 109 kilometers (about 9 AU) in diameter, and located about 5 x 1016 kilometers (about 1.5 kpc) away from us.

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

What galaxy do you live in?

We all live in the same Universe.

Where is the Milky Way in the glaxay?

the milky way is just the name of our galaxy, there isn't really a "milky way"

How far is the earth from Milky Way?

Zero. We are in it

How many glaxies are in the milky way?

the milky way is a galaxy, there are billions of stars in the milky way galaxy

What is least distance we would have to travel from our solar system to reach the outer edge of the Milky Way?

Approximately 24 thousand light years or 2.27E17 kilometers (227,000,000,000,000,000 kilometers).