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As an adjective: Oscuro (os-COO-ro).

As a noun: Oscuridad (os-coo-ree-DAHD).

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Q: What is the word for dark in spanish?
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What is the spanish word for dark?

dark = oscuro

How do you say i am not dark in spanish?

To say I am not dark in Spanish, you would say: I ser no oscuro

Where does the last name Prieto originated from?

The last name Prieto is of Spanish origin. It is a common surname in Spanish-speaking countries and likely derived from the Spanish word "prieto," meaning "dark" or "swarthy," which may have been used to describe someone with dark hair or complexion.

Are there dark skinned spanish peoples?

It depends what you mean by dark skinned, but there are darker skinned spanish people.

What does the word Morena mean?

Morena is a spanish word used to describe Latinas who are tanned/dark (i.e., dark hair-brunette, dark eyes, dark skin). It also means "Morning" in the native language of the New Zealand indigenous people, the Maori. I have triple checked my answer after consulting my Maori experts (thanks LT!). Conversational e.g. "Morena James" translates to "Good Morning James".

How do you say dark in Spanish?


What is Dark In Spanish?

Oscuro or oscura

Is the word dark a descriptive adjective?

Yes, the word 'dark' is an adjective used to describe a noun (a dark night; a dark blue).The word 'dark' is also a noun; a word for the absence of light (I can't find my keys in the dark).

Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

What does osurco mean in spanish?

Dark, as in "el color oscuro" (dark color)

What does dark mean in Spanish?

"Dark", in English, is "oscuro" (masculine) or "oscura" (feminine).

What is the Russian word for the English word dark?

The Russian word for noun "dark" is темнота. The Russian for adjective "dark" is темный.