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Q: What is the word for people who want to be sick all the time starts with an M?
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Because do you want people to get sick and make other people sick do you.

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Only if you want to get sick.

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99% of people.Ew that's SICK!!!!

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because they want to.

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well people wants to know why people speard germs to everyone and we want to why and how.?

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I think because he was sick that time

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because they don't want ot get sick

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You wouldn't want to be dead; you wouldn't want to be very sick; you wouldn't want to be poor; etc.

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....Answer Time....It gets into your glands and then is produced as sick, sometimes when your sick its not because your ill its because your muscles have wasted products that they want to get rid of

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He wanted to learn how and why bacteria got people sick.

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some people are sick of society, or want something new, or both