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Q: What is the word for turn over and spread hay?
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What can a person do to grow quality hay?

my family has grown quality hay for over fifty years. we plow the soil, and then spread dry cow manure. it functions as fertilizer

What is better to spread over fresh grass seed- straw or hay?

Straw is better because it does not contain may seeds. Hay contains seed and cause weeds to grow in your freshly planted grass.

What is a sentence using the word ambling?

The young goat came ambling over when I held out my handful of hay.

Does horse feces turn into hay?

No, horse feces does not turn into hay. Horse feces is composted and it turns into horse manure. This is used as a fertilizer.

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How do you say in spanish no problem?

"No hay problema." (The common "no problemo" is not real Spanish.) The word "hay" is pronounced exactly the same as the English word "eye".no hay problema!

What is the translation of the Spanish word hay?

Hay is basically dried grass, which can be easily stored and fed later to herbivore animals like cattle and horses. Some forms of hay, such as alfalfa, are dried members of other plant families; alfalfa is a legume.

What does a hay bob do?

depending on the positions of the gatees at the back it can spread or line grass

What is another word for put off that rhymes with hay?

Another word for "put off" that rhymes with hay is "delay." Other words that rhyme with hay are "today" and "pray."

What is the hawaiian word for read?

read = heluhelu [hay-loo-hay-loo]

Turn this sentence into a negative sentence using double negation Hay alguien aquí?

No hay nadie aquí.

Is hay a noun?

Yes, the word hay is a noun, common, concrete, uncountable noun; a word for a type of grass grown to feed livestock; a word for a thing.