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That would be a falsehood.

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Q: What is the word that means an attempt to pretend something is true?
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Showing your true colours means to be yourself. don't pretend to be something you're not. Just because someone may not like it, doesn't mean you have to change. Be yourself, and be who you want to be, no matter what others say.

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Feigning indifference means pretending to not care or show interest in something when you actually do. It involves presenting a false appearance of disinterest or apathy in order to mask true feelings or intentions.

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What does feign mean?

To give a mental existence to something that is not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; to pretend; to form and relate as if true; To represent by a false appearance of; to pretend; to counterfeit; To dissemble; to conceal to put on a show.

Do the words pretensions and pretentious have similar meaning?

Yes- they are forms of the same word. Pretentious is the adjective version of the noun pretention-- both are forms of the verb, pretend which means to act as if something is true even if it is not -- to play make believe.

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What is the denotative and connotative meaning of feign?

To give a mental existence to, as to something not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; hence, to pretend; to form and relate as if true., To represent by a false appearance of; to pretend; to counterfeit; as, to feign a sickness., To dissemble; to conceal.

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of course that is true .That is what vaporization means

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Presumed means to suppose something to be true.

What does indisputable mean?

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