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Q: What is the work of a drafting committee?
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What role did DrAmbedkra play in the making of the Indian Constitution?

BR Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly's most important committee the drafting committee. As law minister in Nehru's first cabinet and chairman of the drafting committee,he had the basic responsibility of drafting and piloting India's present Constitution.

Who proposed the preamble before the drafting committee of the constitution?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Who was the president of Indian constitutional drafting committee?

Dr rajendra prasa

Who is the only Muslim member of drafting committee?

It depends entirely on what they were drafting, be it a constitution, architectural plans, a novel, a research paper, etc.

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The Senate Finance Committee is responsible for drafting the budget plan for Congress. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing the spending of the Federal Government.

Who is the only Muslim member of drafting committee of the Indian Constitution?

Sir Syed Muhammad Saadulla

Who was the Chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution?

the first chairman of the drafting committe of the Indian comstitution was Dr. B. R. AMBDEKAR. i don't know whos the present one

Who was the chairman of drafting committee of the Indian Constitution?

the first chairman of the drafting committe of the Indian comstitution was Dr. B. R. AMBDEKAR. i don't know whos the present one

Which group appointed the committee in charge of drafting the Declaration of Independence and eventually adopted it?

Second Continental Congress

Who wrote the Iraqi constitution?

The current Iraqi Constitution, which was approved by Iraqi referendum in 2005 was written by the Iraqi Constitution Drafting Committee. A list of the members of that committee can be found at the link below.

Who was the chief draftsman of the constitution drafting committee?

James Madison wrote the "First Draft" of the US Constitution; known as the Virginia Plan introduced to the convention in 1787. There was no 'committee' that produced this document, it is credited as his sole work and earned him the moniker of "Father of the Constitution."

Who were the 5 people in the committee charged with drafting the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman.