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Red fox
it is the red fox

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Q: What is the world's most common fox species?
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The world's most common fox species has spread rapidly since it was introduced to Australia in the 1800s What is it?


What is the scientific name for foxes?

The most common fox is the Red Fox, and it's scientific name is Vulpes vulpes according to Wikipedia.

How long has grey fox been endangered?

The grey fox is not an endangered species, still quite common.

What year was the red fox put on the endangered species list?

The red fox is not an endangered species at all. Very common small canid over its range.

What is the most common type of fox?

the red fox! :D

How can Arctic foxes come off the endangered species list?

The Arctic fox is not on the list of endangered animals as it it quite common throughout most of its range.

Is the Arctic fox on the endangered species list?

Except for a couple minor populations in northern Europe, the Arctic fox is in no danger of extinction. It is quite common and listed as a species "of least concern."

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What type of fox live in the forest?

The red fox would be the most common fox found in a forest.

Is a red fox a special breed of fox?

Commonly the word "fox" means any kind of mammal that is a meat and plant eater (omnivorous). They are wolf or dog-like with long snouts and bushy tails. The red fox is the most common of these mammals out of almost 40 different species. So yes, the "red fox" is a special breed of "fox".

What are some fox's species?

! There is the arctic fox, the fennec fox, the gray fox, the red fox, swift fox, and the kit fox. These are just some of the species in the world.

What other animal is in the red fox family?

There are many different relatives of the red fox. Some of the most common are types of wolves, cyotes, or even common household dogs. As you should know, the red fox is part of the canine family.