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That's easy. being allergic to dust because almost every were is dust so you'll prob always be sneezing and stuffy nose so its like every season is allergy season for you.. i know this because my friend is allergic to dust..... sincerely, Holli

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Q: What is the worst allergy symptom in the world?
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What are some allergy symptoms that I should watch for?

A rash on your skiing could be a symptom for an allergy. A runny or itchy nose could be a symptom for an allergy also. Congestion is something to look for also.

Is itching burning a symptom of sulfur allergy?

Itching and burning can be symptoms of any allergy.

What are symptoms of allergy to bee's sting in horses?

One symptom of an allergy to bee stings in horse is swelling around the site. Trouble swallowing is another major symptom.

Can allergy make you irrational?

Irrationality would not be a normal allergy symptom, although I would not completely rule it out.

Shrimp allergy cause red bumps?

If a shrimp allergy is causing red bumps, this typically means you're breaking out into hives. Hives are a common symptom of a shell fish allergy.

what is the worst symptom in the world?

You may think this is very surprising. Well I don't. Aids is the 2nd most deadly symptom in the world. Total organ failure is the 1st most deadly symptom. It kills over 1000,000,00 people a day. (that's only if there are enough people are infected)

Is eye pain an allergy symptom?

Eye pain can be a symptom of allergies. Other causes of eye pain are sinusitis, scratches on the eye, or an infection.

Can shaky hands be a symptom of a gluten allergy?

It can, depending. I know when I was still eating gluten, due to my celiac, my nerves were affected.

Is sometimes itching in puberty is a symptom of std?

No, its not necessarily. You might have developed some kind of allergy. But if the problem persists, consult your doctor.

Why your min pin is wheezing constantly?

It could be allergy, but could be something worse, like heartworm. Heartworm symptom is a cough, not wheezing.

One symptom of an allergy can be itchy eyes?

Yes, it can be. Maybe alongwith excess lacrimation and redness in eyes.