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Q: What is the worst thing that could happen to the deforestation amazon rainforest?
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How could deforestation affect the amazon rainforests natural systems?

it could change the soil and the trees growing

Describe the vegetation of amazon basin?

---- ====== ====== The Vegetation in the Amazon Rainforest is very dense and thick and I think it is BEAUTIFUL!

Do Basilisk live in the Amazon rainforest?

This question is Ambigious it could mean a) The Basilisk from Harry Potter or b) Basilisk lizard coincidentally, neither live in the rainforest

What are ecological concerns in the tropical rainforest?

A large amount of undiscovered species in the tropical rainforest biome could become extinct before science has a chance to discover them. The tropical rainforest cuts down on the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, but does not increase the relative amount of oxygen because it is net oxygen neutral. Sediments in the soil could be washed into the water shelf due to deforestation. Large-scale flooding could result due to a massive amount of water not being absorbed by organisms in the environment.

How could humans negatively affect the rainforest?

Humans are continously causing deforestation which is automatically stopping the things we most need and will come to need from producing itself.

How can you protect the anaconda?

You could donate money to a charity that supports the Amazon rainforest or something along those lines.

Could the amazon rainforest be completely felled?

It is possible for the Amazon Rainforest to be completely felled. This would cause great destruction in the area because many animals would lose there habitats. It would also be a problem for drug companies that make medicines because many of the plants in the rainforest are used for this purpose.

How do environmentalists affect the Amazon rainforest?

The deforestation process of the amazon basin is a problem for many because it takes away from the natural beauty of the Amazon rain forest. The contributors to this problem are the road and highway builders, cattle farmers, and the farmers of the area, as well as the logging companies. Without the rain forest, Latin America would no longer receive any tourists or have as much beauty or wood marketing causing them to have a possible economic fallout. I hope this is helpful information.

Are there any natural resources in the amazon rainforest that could harm you?

Well, there is animals like snakes and jaguars that can harm you so, yes.

What human activities have caused destruction of the Amazon rainforest?

Chopping down trees, hunting animals, and more! Pollution, mining, farming, and logging (cutting down trees) have all helped to cause the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest has been subject to widespread deforestation over a prolonged period of time and it is important to recognize that this process is not one which simply mirrors modern capitalist use of the forest resource - although this is an extremely important aspect of Amazonian deforestation. Subsistence agriculture is attributable to 33% of deforestation in the Amazon through a process of "slash-and-burn" agriculture. This process is one which has traditionally been used by those indigenous peoples of the region and can operate in equilibrium with a sparsely populated rainforest biome which suffers extremely low exploitation. This process sees land which has been burned take a period of 20-100 years to recover and therefore, alongside rising population in indigenous tribes, agricultural activities have seen increased deforestation. After the 1970's oil crisis nation states such as Brazil saw their loans default, and were left in a position of debt to the Global North. This and a desire to remove dependence of foreign energy resources saw the Brazilian government extend its reach into the Amazon Rainforest to develop HEP (Hydro-Electic Power) stations while also converting large tracts of land into agricultural areas in order to grow export goods for the world market. These goods include (primarily) free range beef, soya, and oil palm, among others and have caused extremely large scale deforestation. The Amazon rainforest is also subject to private activities of logging and oil drilling. These practices have seen private companies, often outside of the rule of law, exploit the forest for primary resources. These activities are facilitated by national projects of road development, indeed 80% of deforestation occurs within 50km of roads within this forest, without which the forest would remain inaccessible to all private entities. It is important to recognise therefore that human activities are multifaceted and operate at a micro scale controlled and monitered in their nature and scope by macro scale processes (such as BsE in Europe calling for increased soya production to feed cattle and thus increasing deforestation to grow this resource). Concurrently the forest is destroyed by small scale agriculture though one must consider that demographic processes are not the main cause of deforestation and that it is the interests of large scale private companies that have caused the greatest degree of deforestation. Contemporary destruction of the Amazon Rainforest will be led by the changes in regional and global climate. The projections for, particularly the South East of the forest, suggest that there could be anywhere up to a 20% reduction in precipitation by 2050. This figure may be magnified by the internal processes of the rainforest which see around 50% of rainfall recycled in a fully operational pristine forest - deforestation of this area may see a switch to another stable state in which the region becomes a Savannah biome causing widespread extinctions. To avoid this process it has been argued that around 70% of the original habitat rainforest biomes must be retained intact.

How could the effect of deforestation be minimised in the future?

Deforestation could not be replaced. We have to plant trees to minimize depletion.