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if you get hit in the testes to often you can damage your sperm cells and you can stop having children

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10y ago

When its snowing, because when you fall, you land in the snow and will eventually get hypothermia.

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Q: What is the worst way to get hit in the testicles?
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Is there a problem if it don't hurt when my testicles are hit?

how hard are you hitting them?

Two glands that sperm pass on their way from the testicles to the urethra?

Sperm pass the prostate and the seminal vesicle, on the way from the testicles to the urethra.

If a boy gets kicked accidentally in his testicles will his future kids be retarded?

No, accidental knocks to the testicles will not damage a boys future children, how ever continued or severe intentional damage to testicles will, damage sperm produced and will also damage testicles, and can have health implications for the male. Therefore testicles are very delicate and should not be hit, they are organs, and attacks on testicles are sexual abuse.

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Boys cry when getting hit in the testicles because it hurts a lot.

Can a 7 year old's testicles hurt if hit?

no i mean meare tapping

If you are hit on the testicles by a man will you develop psychological problems?

maybe .... maybe not a$$ hole

Is it serious if your testicles have been hurting after recently getting hit there but it is not extremely bad?

Yes, the testicles are extremely sensitive. If you were accidently hit in your testicles extremely hard (or someone kicked you there) it can cause you to vomite and takes a long while to get rid of the pain. If you are still having problems please see your doctor. Good luck Marcy

Where was the worst hit place in the Nevado Del Ruiz eruption?

let me tell you when was the worst hit was i dont know land it is in 1991

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The worst hurricane to hit the U.S. in 2003 was Isabel which made landfall in North Carolina.

If you are hit in the testicles well you have deformed children?

no ha you can only have very bad pain!

Can getting hit in the testicles cause loss of sight for a few minutes?

It's possible.