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The Oral Torah consists of the Mishna and the Gemara, which together make up the Talmud. They fill in the details which the Torah leaves out for the sake of brevity. The Oral Torah goes all the way back, but it was set down in writing about 1510 years ago.

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Q: What is the writings of Jewish beliefs created about 2000 years ago called?
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The sacred writings in a whole is called the TaNaKh which stands for Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. It is written in the Jewish language called Hebrew, except for the books Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel which are written in Aramaic.

What is the writings about Jewish beliefs created about 2000 years ago called?

The Oral Torah consists of the Mishna and the Gemara, which together make up the Talmud. They fill in the details which the Torah leaves out for the sake of brevity. The Oral Torah goes all the way back, but it was set down in writing about 1510 years ago.

What is the name of the Jewish scripture?

The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym representing its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

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The Jewish Bible is called 'Tanach'. The word Tanach is an acronym made up of the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

What is the most holy Jewish scripture?

The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym made from the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

What is the Jewish book?

The Jewish Bible is called 'Tanach'. The word Tanach is an acronym made up of the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). The Torah is often called The Five Books of Moses.

Books on Judaism beliefs?

The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym that represents the three sections of the Bible: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). If you are asking for books about Judaism to gain an understanding of what we believe, I really like the book 'To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking' by Harold Kushner. I find it well written and not too long a book.

What is the book of judiasm called?

The Jewish Bible is called 'Tanach'. The word Tanach is an acronym made up of the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

What is the of the holy scriptures?

The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym representing its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

After the Holocaust a Jewish homeland was created. What was the land called?

It is known as Israel.