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In English it is called "The Bible" and in Hebrew it is called "Tanakh" (תנ״ך).

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Q: What is the written record and beliefs of hebrews called?
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In your opinion why did the pharaoh make the Hebrews slaves?

Hebrews were never slaves in Egypt. There is no record of such thing beyond a book of bias written by the Jews.

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Written record of earthquake is known as archaeological evidence.

What is the written records and beliefs of the Hebrews?

The written record of the Hebrews or Jews as they are more often known, is called the Tanach, or as it is known to Christians, the Old Testament. Their beliefs form the religion known as Judaism. It includes belief in an omnipotent deity whose official name is YHVH (the pronunciation of which is unknown) but who is generally referred to as God or by the more Orthodox, as HaShem (which literally means 'The Name' in reference to YHVH). There are a great many beliefs involved in Judaism, far too many for me to describe for you. Jews are, among other things, known for a refusal to eat any meat derived from animals that do not have both split hooves and chew their cud and for keeping meat and dairy strictly separate.

What is the written record of earthquake called?

If you are referring to the record printed on a chart by a seismograph, it is called a seismogram. If you are referring to a hand-written record of the events of an earthquake, this might be referred to as a journal.

Why is the Torah a artifact that historians use to learn about ancient hebrews and their times?

it was used as a record of the ancient hebrews

Did some of the Hebrews not leave Egypt?

There is no record of any remaining.

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