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Each specific colour of puffle doesn't nessicarily have 1 gender. For example some yellow puffles are male, whereas some are female.

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Q: What is the yellow puffles gender?
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Related questions

What do you do with the yellow puffle?

You just do the same as the other puffles to the yellow puffle

Are puffles cool?

yes i love the yellow one

How do you capture the yellow puffle?

You buy puffles, not capture them.

How do you get the gold puffle on clubpeguin?

there are no gold puffle put many people get confused with gold and yellow puffles. that is why I'm saying there are no gold puffles and other people say there are gold puffles.

Can you pick your gender in Pokemon Yellow?

Yes you have the capacity to pick your gender in Pokemon Yellow

What are puffles on Club Penguin?

Puffles are the penguins' pets.They come in blue,yellow,red,purple,white,green,pink and need to take care of them.

What colors can you get of puffles?

red, blue, pink, green, white, yellow, purple, black and orange

What game does the yellow puffle play?

The yellow puffle is Awesome! You don't get extra money but it plays dj3k.You can find out what all the puffles do at the pet shop.

What are the so far discovered puffles on Club Penguin?

There are: Red Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink White and Black puffles. Orange, grey and brown are yet to be discovered... hopefully soon.

What colors are all of the puffles?

red blue yellow green purple brown white black pink

What is the color of the 2013 puffle for club penguin?

there is no color for puffles but when your a non member u can adopt two puffles only blue and red and when your a nember u can have 20 puffles pink , blue , brown , black , red , white , yellow , purple and the new rainbow puffle.

Can penguins that are not members get brown puffles?

No in order to get a brown puffle you have to be a member to get the yellow life jacket to ride on the boat.